Fortnite Chapter 3 is upon us, and that means there are some new in-game NPCs and characters to find around the map. There are plenty of returning faces, as well as some new never before seen characters to locate. This guide will show you all of the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 character and NPC locations.
Below you can find the full list of all Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 NPC and character locations in order with a description of where to find them. Note that there are sometimes multiple places an NPC can spawn, and they are not always guaranteed to show up in the noted locations every match.
All Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 NPC Locations
- The Visitor – Located at the far east side of the map on the largest of the smaller island.
- The Scientist – Located at the Sanctuary on the roof of the compound building.
- Agent Jones – Located southwest of Greasy Grove in the compound building.
- The Foundation – Located at the Sanctuary on the east side of the island.
- Bunker Jonesy – Located in the southwest area of The Joneses next to a camper.
- Ludwig – Located at The Joneses on the second floor of the southeast building.
- Brainiac – Located at The Joneses in the jail cell at the lower level of the green building.
- Mullet Marauder – Located at The Joneses area on the second floor of the gym building.
- Jonesy the First – Located at the Joneses area in the blue tinned building.
- Cuddle Team Leader – Located at Camp Cuddle on the first floor of the log cabin.
- Metal Team Leader – Located at northern Camp Cuddle below the lodge with the pink roof.
- Cuddlepool – Located at Camp Cuddle in a building to the northwest.
- Quackling – Located at Camp Cuddle wondering around the small lodges.
- Guaco – Located at Greasy Grove inside the Tacos restaurant.
- Lil’ Whip – Located at Coney Crossroads inside the icecream shop.
- Bao Bros – Located at Greasy Grove at the gas station.
- Tomatohead – Located at Greasy Grove inside the outdoor supplies store.
- Mancake – Located at the Butter Barn, at the crossroads south of Rocky Reels.
- Shanta – Located southeast of Condo Canyon on the far southeast corner of Fortnite island.
- Lt. John Llama – Located at a small building southwest of Logjam Lumberyard.

- See also: All NPCs that can be hired in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1
Those are all of the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 NPC and Character locations so far. Epic Games may introduce new characters as the season progresses and the story unfolds. Feel free to bookmark this page and check back at any time for updates and new locations.
Published: Dec 6, 2021 12:36 am