Evil Geniuses Secure Victory Over CLG in Week 7 LCS 2020 Spring Split

This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

Evil Geniuses showed superior map control to secure a victory over CLG in the Week 7 LCS 2020 Spring Split. This marks their first 2-0 week at this year’s League of Legends Championship Series.

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Kumo found four kills in the first major team fight of the match, after which he managed to pick up four Drakes for his team to keep the momentum going.

This is probably the most coordinated the EG team has looked all Split, with Jizuke and Kumo doing a great job at creating chaos for the opposing team.

Evil Geniuses vs. CLG Week 7 LCS 2020 Spring Results

Ruin gangplank0-1-3TOP8-0-5jayce Kumo
Wiggily gragas1-4-2JNG0-3-6lee sin Svenskeren
Pobelter syndra1-2-2MID3-0-8ekko Jiizuke
Wind ashe1-3-0BOT1-0-7varus Bang
Smoothie braum0-3-2SUP1-0-8tahmkench Zeyzal

Check out the rest of the LCS 2020 Spring Week 7 matches coming up tomorrow.
