The final update for Terraria has arrived, and with Journey’s End now out, there are 26 different mounts in the game. In this guide, we’re going to take a look at every month in Terraria Journey’s End and how to get them. We’ll also go over each of their abilities and let you know which ones are the best.
Terraria Journey’s End Mounts
Mounts are a good way to get around quickly in the world of Terraria. In Journey’s End, we have some new mounts to check out. So, why not go through every single one and look at their stats?
We’re going to take a look at every single Mount in Terraria Journey’s End and see which one’s are the best based on movement speed and how to get them. Including the three variations of the horse mounts, there are 26 mounts to look at.
All Mounts in Terraria Journey’s End
- Mollusk Whistle Mount
- Pogo Stick
- Royal Gilded Saddle
- Dusty Rawhide Saddle
- Black Studded Saddle
- Superheated Blood (Lava Shark)
- Dark Mage’s Tome
- Golf Cart
- Blessed Apple (Unicorn Mount)
- Goat Skull (Death Goat Mount)
- Gelatinous Pillion (Queen Slime)
- Black Spot (Flying Dutchman)
- Burning Tree Mount (Hexxed Branch)
- Toy Tank (Santank)
- Witch’s Broom (Broomstick Mount)
- Cosmic Car Key (UFO Mount)
- Shrimpy Truffle (Fishron Mount)
- Hardy Saddle (Turtle Mount)
- Slimy Saddle (Slime Mount)
- Fuzzy Carrot (Bunny Mount)
- Reindeer Bells (Reindeer Mount)
- Honeyed Goggles (Bee Mount)
- Scaly Truffle (Pigron Mount)
- Brain Scrambler (Scutlix Mount)
- Ancient Horn (Basilisk Mount)
- Drill Containment Unit (Drill Mount)
Mollusk Whistle Mount (Flamingo)
- How to get: Zoologist NPC
- Maximum Speed: 38 mph
The Mollusk Whistle, or Flamingo, Mount is another one bought from the Zoologist. You need to fill out 25% of the Bestiary before you can purchase it. You can float on water or choose to swim underwater with this mount.
Pogo Stick
- How to get: Party Girl NPC
- Maximum Speed: 29 mph
The Pogo Stick mount is one you can buy from the Party Girl NPC. You can do some cool tricks on the Pogo Stick while jumping and underwater.

Royal Gilded Saddle (Horse Mounts)
- How to get: Zoologist NPC
- Maximum Speed: 40 mph
Next up is the three Horse Mounts which can be bought from the Zoologist. All of these mounts function the same, with the only difference being their appearance. Horses can move on land at 40 mph, 20 mph underwater, and they do not have a double jump.

Dusty Rawhide Saddle (Horse Mounts)
- How to get: Zoologist NPC
- Maximum Speed: 40 mph
Black Studded Saddle (Horse Mounts)
- How to get: Zoologist NPC
- Maximum Speed: 40 mph
Superheated Blood (Lava Shark)
- How to get: Lava Fishing in the Underworld
- Maximum Speed: 73 mph underwater, 10 mph on land
The Superheated Blood, or Lava Shark, Mount can be found Lava Fishing in the Underworld. It goes incredibly fast underwater and can survive in lava, making it great for a navigating the underworld.
Dark Mage’s Tome Mount (Dark Mage)
- How to get: Defeating Dark Mages in the Old One’s Army
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph, 21 mph underwater
The Dark Mage’s Tome is a mount you can get from Dark Mages in the Old One’s Army from Master Mode difficulty only. With this mount, you can float in the air at specific heights.

Golf Cart Keys (Golf Cart)
- How to get: Golf NPC (after defeating Skeletron)
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph
You can get the new Golf Cart mount from the Golf NPC after defeating Skeleton. The requirement is your golf score must be over 2000. The Golf Cart mount can jump and go underwater as well.
Blessed Apple (Unicorn Mount)
- How to get: Unicorn drop
- Maximum Speed: 61 mph
The Blessed Apple drops exclusively from Unicorns. It has a fast running speed on land, which is halved underwater. You can also double-jump with the Unicorn Mount.

Goat Skull Mount (Death Goat)
- How to get: Wall of Flesh drop, Master Mode
- Maximum Speed: 61 mph
The Goat Skull Mount has a fast movement speed on land and a double jump ability. It can also travel at half speed underwater. You can get this mount from the Wall of Flesh in Master Mode.

Gelatinous Pillion (Queen Slime)
- How to get: Queen Slime drop, Hard Mode
- Maximum Speed: 33 mph on land, 51 mph water
The Gelatinous Pillion, or Queen Slime, Mount is similar to the Slime Mount but for hard mode. It drops from the new Queen Slime boss. It has a much faster movement speed than its counterpart and also floats on water. The most exciting thing is that this mount can fly.
Black Spot (Flying Dutchman)
- How to get: Flying Dutchman in Master Mode
- Maximum Speed: 83 mph
This is the fastest mount in Terraria Journey’s End. The Flying Dutchman, or Black Spot, can reach up to 83 mph on land and underwater. There is a long charge up time to reach the max speed. It also has infinite flight, making it the all-around best mount in the game.

Burning Tree Mount (Hexxed Branch)
- How to get: Mourning Wood in Pumpkin Moon event, Master Mode
- Maximum Speed: 81 mph on land, half-speed underwater
This is the fastest land mount in the game, which can be found from Mourning Wood on Master Mode.

Toy Tank (Santank)
- How to get: Santank during Frost Moon, Master Mode
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph
You can get the Toy Tank, or Santank, Mount during the Frost Moon from a Santank in Master Mode. This mount shoots projectiles at enemies and has a small jump ability.

Witch’s Broom (Broomstick Mount)
- How to get: Pumpking Boss, Expert Mode
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph
The Witch’s Broom, or Broomstick Mount, is similar to the UFO mount with the extra benefit of being able to go underwater. You can also fit through doors on this mount.
Cosmic Car Key (UFO Mount)
- How to get: Martians
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph
This rideable UFO mount, also known the Cosmic Car Key, drops from martian sources. You can fly forever in this mount and hover in it. The only bad part about it is you cannot go underwater with this mount.

Shrimpy Truffle (Fishron Mount)
- How to get:
- Maximum Speed: 80 mph in water, 40 mph on air, 5 mph on land
This is a mount that got a buff in Journey’s End. The Shrimpy Truffle, or Fishron Mount, can travel anywhere. It also gets a speed boost if the player is at half health. It is the fastest mount in water by far.
Hardy Saddle (Turtle Mount)
- How to get: Golden Crate drop chance
- Maximum Speed: 10 mph on land, 34-40 mph swimming
The Hardle Saddle has a chance to drop from Gold Crates. This mount is very slow on land, but can swim underwater very fast.

Slimy Saddle (Slime Mount)
- How to get: King Slime
- Maximum Speed: 20 mph
The Slimy Saddle is a slime mount you can get from King Slime. You can jump with this mount, which damages enemies, but you cannot go underwater with it. It does, however, float on top of the water.

Fuzzy Carrot (Bunny Mount)
- How to get: Complete 5 fishing quests
- Maximum Speed: 39 mph
To get the Fuzzy Carrot, you get this as a reward from the angler after completing five fishing quests. It moves half that speed when you’re underwater.

Reindeer Bells (Reindeer Mount)
- How to get: Rare drop from Ice Queen during Frost Moon
- Maximum Speed: 61 mph
The Reindeer Bells, or Reindeer Mount, can be found from the Ice Queen during the Frost Moon. Drop chance is incredibly rare, so don’t expect to get it easily. The mount slowly gains speed the longer you are running with it. You can fly for a long time with this mount as well, and it cancels fall damage.
Honeyed Goggles (Bee Mount)
- How to get: Queen Bee drop
- Maximum Speed: 10 mph on land, 31 mph in the air
The Honeyed Goggles is a Bee Mount that excels in the sky. It only goes 10 mph on land but can go 31 mph in the air. You can get this mount early on in the game, so it’s a strong mount. Note, you cannot go underwater with it or you become unmounted.

Scaly Truffle (Pigron Mount)
- How to get: Fishing in Ice biome that crosses over with Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow
- Maximum Speed: 46 mph on land, 23 mph in water
The Scaly Truffle is a Pigron Mount that can be found from fishing in an ice biome that crosses over with Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow. This mount can fly, walk on land, or go underwater.

Brain Scrambler (Scutlix Mount)
- How to get: Scutlix drop from Martian Madness event
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph
The Brain Scrambler is a Scutlix Mount that can be found during the Martian Madness event from Scutlixes. This mount can shoot lasers to damage enemies. It also has a jumping ability and can sort of go underwater.

Ancient Horn (Basilisk Mount)
- How to get: Basilisk drop
- Maximum Speed: 41 mph
The Ancient Horn, or Basilisk Mount, can be found from Basilisks in the Underground Desert biome. This Basilisk Mount reduces your fall damage by 80%, with the option of charging through enemies and damaging them.
Drill Containment Unit (Drill Mount)
- How to get: Crafted at Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil
- Luminite Bar x40
- Chlorophyte Bar x40
- Shroomite Bar x40
- Spectre Bar x40
- Hellstone Bar x40
- Meteorite Bar x40
- Maximum Speed: 31 mph
This is an infinite flying mount that can be crafted with a bunch of different materials listed above. The purpose of this mount is for mining, and can not really do much else.
That’s it for Mount. For other interesting Journey’s End content, take a look at the Secret Seed World for Terraria Journey’s End.
Published: May 19, 2020 05:35 pm