Whether you are completing Raids through collecting the best gear possible whilst obtaining those all-important items that you need for Quest completion, or hitting Quest Objectives for a specific Trader, it is imperative that you know the ins-and-outs of every Map in Escape from Tarkov. Whilst some information is more important to note than others, such as spawn and extraction points for easy exfiling or to always know where enemies will spawn in, it too is important to be aware of the best looting areas and those secret spots for hidden stashes. These can make or break your game and knowing this information before you head into Woods could save your life. For those reasons, this is our complete Map Guide for Escape from Tarkov Woods.
Escape from Tarkov Woods Map Guide (2023)
Escape from Tarkov has many locations in which the player needs to be knowledgeable of in order to stay ahead of their opposition. Knowing the best place to exfil, the safest areas of the Map, and the most congested spots are crucial in surviving Raids. There are many ways in which a player could be taken out; from other players looked to take your loot to the Escape from Tarkov Woods Bosses which roam their designated part of the Map.
Related: How to Get Kappa Container in Escape From Tarkov.

Woods Map Spawn and Extraction Points
There are many spawn points along the perimeter of the Escape from Tarkov Woods Map. But beware that if you were to spawn in along the north to north-east side of the Woods, then you are at risk of being targeting or taken out by the Snipers who sit along the River. However, the west and south-west perimeter is no safer, with the surrounding landscape being covered in a Mine Field that can devastate a player with one wrong step. Keep in mind that both sides of the Woods will have areas which combine both Mine Fields with Sniper Dens, so when you are in exploring the Woods it is best to avoid the edges until you need to safely exfil from the Map.
Spawn Points

Extraction Points

Hidden Stashes in Escape from Tarkov Woods Map
The primary method of looting throughout Escape from Tarkov is to find the hidden stashes across each Map. These can both be used to obtain new gear to aid your adventure, to obtain goods that can be used as a form of currency with the in-game Trader and crucial to completing Questlines set by the Traders themselves. The majority of the loot obtained in the Woods is by finding these Hidden Caches. Every Hidden Stash in Escape from Tarkov Woods Map is shown in the image below. For those who want a detailed location guide on each Cache in the Woods, feel free to refer to the list below.

Buried and Ground Caches – Location Guide
- Buried Cache located underneath a tree close to the fence line at Factory Gate.
- Ground Cache located at the Military Tank.
- Buried Cache at the beginning of the Ravine at the eastern entrance.
- Buried Cache located behind the Rock Formation to the west of Old Train Station
- Ground Cache found underneath a tipped over tree near the Plane Wreckage.
- Buried Cache beneath the Rock Formation located near the destroyed West Gate, near the Old Train Station.
- Buried Cache at the Northern UN Roadblock, behind the grey container and next to the trash bags.
- Buried Cache within a circular concrete structure, near the Demolished Building.
- Ground Cache is located at the base of a small tree near the White Trailer behind the Old Sawmill.
- Ground Cache found at the base of the bush between three tall trees close to the Bridge Extraction.
- Ground Cache found at a singular tree, near the Bridge Car Extraction Point.
- Buried Cache found at the top of the Waterside Mountain overlooking the Road.
- Ground Cache hidden at the base of a bundle of bushes, that is on the path towards the Lumber Yard from the Bridge Car Extraction Point.
- Ground Cache found inside a bush, along the road of Lumber Yard that leads to the Bridge Extraction Point.
- Buried Cache at the Rock Passage Extraction Point, located on the winding path following from the wooden structure at the top of the Mountain.
- Buried Cache located at the small Mountain close to the Antenna Outlook landmark.
- Buried Cache below one of the Electric Towers at the Central Powerlines.
- Ground Cache located north of Lumber Yard, at the base of a large tree along the Road, on the right path of the intersection.
- Ground Cache hidden within a bush, near the southern lake of the Abandoned Village. Found on a path within the woods.
- Buried Cache at the Wooden Cabin of the South Abandoned Town.
- Buried Cache located behind the Campsite near the Wooden Cabin of the South Abandoned Town.
- Ground Cache located behind a tree just south of the Pier, and close to the Convoy by heading east from its location.
- Ground Cache found at a large rock just west of the Scav Bridge.
- Ground Cache located between a tall pine tree and a bush, north-west of the Scav Bunker Extraction Point.
- Buried Cache located at a cluster of rocks near the Construction Site.
- Buried Cache found at the Electric Tower of the Powerlines.
- Ground Cache found in a group of bushes atop a hill on the road leading to the Electric Towers.
- Buried Cache located within the central Mountains, just north of the Lumber Yard.
- Buried Cache north of Lumber Yard, under the fallen pine tree near the Mountain.
- Ground Cache at the base of a bush, near the tipped over tree inside the area.
- Ground Cache found under a set of bushes near a grouping a rocks on the ground, northwest of the Western Campsite.
- Ground Cache found at the base of the tree next to a wooden structure, just past the Dead Scav Camp Site on the Lake.
We hope this Map Guide was helpful. Whether you needed a refresher or are just getting started in Escape from Tarkov, this is the survival Guide you need for Raids and Quests taking place within the Woods. We have a lot more Escape from Tarkov available at Gamer Journalist, from Quest Guides to Location Guides for specific items. Feel free to check out more from us and as always, thank you for reading!
Published: Mar 27, 2023 12:45 pm