Image via Blobfish Studios

10 Best Brotato Builds

These builds are a-peeling

Brotato is an exciting roguelike that will have your blood boiling for every second of playing it. It features many different and unique potatoes (soldiers), items, and weapons that can help you create a unique fighting style against the incoming invaders.

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However, we understand that someone who is a beginner in Brotato won’t know the details of the many benefits different items and fighters have and how those can combine to create an ultimate killing machine. Moreover, not all features and elements of the game are spelled out for you so we decided to create this guide and present to you the 10 best builds you can use to dominate those waves of aliens. Hop in!

Related: 8 Best Brotato Mods

Top Brotato Builds

As you progress through Brotato you’ll notice that you will start to pick up on more and more game mechanics and various other details that can help you out in the future. However, as we mentioned, not everything will be explained in detail and there are so many combinations in the game that you can use that a new player can easily get lost.

Some weapons and characters mentioned in our list will need to be unlocked either by playing the game or getting certain achievements. If you need help with this you can always check our articles on how to unlock all items and how to unlock all characters in Brotato.

The builds we picked will be based on various features like survivability, damage, speed, etc. We’ve broken down 10 builds that we believe offer great combos for murdering those pesky enemies while keeping you alive. Let’s take a look.

10. Primal Build

The Primal build will put you in a stick-only fight. Pick the Multitasker brotato and get 12 Sticks, which shouldn’t be too hard since they are quite common to get after the game. If you’re not familiar with Multitasker, he is the character that allows you to carry 12 instead of 6 weapons. The trick with Sticks is that the more of them you have the higher the damage each Stick has. So, rolling around with 12 of these babies will let you smash those aliens like they were nothing.

Since you’ll have 12 separate melee weapons swinging individually at enemies I advise you to get all attack speed boosts that you can as well as melee damage boosts (which means buffing up your Forearms and Reflexes stats). Also, since you are a melee fighter that will be close to enemies often, think about investing some of your stats in speed and armor (Chest) as well.

When it comes to items we suggest you grab Triangle of Power and Exoskeleton as soon as you can. They offer nice buffs for your melee fighter and help you stay alive for longer.

9. SWAT Build

If you’re one of those players who, like me, feels more comfortable shooting their aliens from afar instead of getting up to their faces, then Six SMGs can be a great build for you. You will need to use the Sick character that causes you to lose 1 damage per second but gives you a bit of Max HP and 25% lifesteal. I know that having a character that loses HP on its own can sound bad but trust me that this build works.

Since SMGs are firing rapidly they make an ideal weapon for a lifesteal build, keeping you healed up for as long as there are enemies nearby. Also, you will need to further upgrade your healing with the Teeth stat that gives additional lifesteal to your brotato. For damage, we advise you to pick Shoulders (Ranged Damage) and Reflexes (Attack Speed). Moreover, the combination of Bandana and Richochet items will allow your bullets to pierce through targets and then bounce to hit another one thus letting you kill larger and stronger waves.

If you are concerned with the range and would like to have more than the default, you can always go for the Eyes stat upgrade.

8. Knives Out Build

For this blade build you will be using Crazy, a character that will get you down in the dirt with its close combat style. It starts out with Knife, +25% attack speed but with a penalty of -30% Dodge, -10% Engineering, and -10 Ranged Damage. Crazy has a bonus of +100 with precise weapons as well, but we advise you only use short-range weapons like Shuriken.

In regards to weapons, you will start off with Knives and build up to weapons like Lightning Shiv and Shurikens. You need to build your Forearms (Melee Damage), Reflexes (Attack Speed), and Fingers (Crit Chance). Even though Shuriken is a ranged weapon, it will be based on your melee damage and it is a weapon that has a natural +1 bounce every time you crit. Pair this with Lightning Shiv’s ability to spawn lightning that bounces every time you hit an enemy and you’ve got yourself a pretty devastating combo.

When it comes to items, you can get something like Alloy that will give you a bit of melee damage, crit chance, and elemental damage, boosting your existing weapons. Sunglasses and Night Goggles are also awesome crit damage buffs, but what you should focus on getting is the Giant Belt that allows your crits to deal 10% of the enemy’s current health as a bonus (1% to bosses and elites). Bosses will melt at the sight of you.

Boosting your damage and attack speed will leave you pretty squishy so even though you’ll be a melee/short-ranged warrior you can’t simply stand your ground in the middle of the map and hit enemies like some other builds can. Instead, you will need to be a potato ninja that runs around and dodges enemies while melting them with its powerful blades.

7. Ghost Lumberjack Build

Ever thought about creating a build that will have a single weapon? Well, you are now. The amazing Ghost Axe combined with the One-Armed character wreaks havoc on the aliens. As his name says, One-Armed brotato can only wield one weapon at a time but he gets a 200% bonus attack speed with it and damage modifications are increased by 100%.

The Ghost Axe has one interesting feature as well. It gives you a 1% bonus damage for every 20 enemies killed with it. This bonus stays with you even if you decide to sell your axe and switch your build for something else, making this build not only great for murdering alien waves but also one that gives you flexibility. The axe has a sweep type of damage which actually makes it an AoE (area of effect) type of weapon.

You can guess that swinging only one axe at a time will get a lot of enemies close to you so the best stats to upgrade are the ones that will help you survive like Chest (Armor), Heart (Max HP), or Back (Dodge). When it comes to items, you need to boost your attack speed and lifesteal so we suggest picking Banner, Coffee, Gummy Bear, Octopus, and Ritual.

6. Elemental Build

For the Elemental build, you’ll need to grab the Mage character. This guy has +5 Elemental damage, a 33% boost to Elemental modifications, and gets the Snake and the Scared Sausage at the start. It comes at a price of 100% reduction in melee damage, ranged damage, and engineering modifications, but that’s fine since you won’t need to build around those.

The two starting items will set up your build as the Scared Sausage gives you a 25% chance of dealing burning damage to your enemies and the Snake allows that burn to spread to surrounding enemies. So, the key here is to build around elemental weapons and those that have fast projectiles. For example, Wands are using burning damage, and upgrading them alongside Element damage will give you huge burn damage over time (DoT). Simultaneously you should use something like Tasers or SMGs that fire multiple projectiles, thus increasing your chances of burning the enemies you shoot at and the ones around them. The choice is up to you.

Since your main damage source will be (massive) burning of enemies you will need to learn how to dodge the masses of aliens coming your way since they won’t die instantly from your burning attacks.

Upgrading Brain (Elemental Damage) and Legs (Speed) will be crucial here since you need to run quite a bit. Invest in something like Heart (Max HP) as well if you see that you are dying easily. When it comes to items, make sure you grab a Bandana and Sharp Bullet if you can. They both give you the ability to pierce through one additional target so hordes of enemies will be wiped out easily when you equip these items.

5. Riding Shotgun Build

Riding shotgun is getting a whole new meaning with this one. As with the Stick build you’ll be using a Multitasker here that will allow you to wield 12 instead of your usual 6 weapons. If you think 12 Shotguns is OP you’re entirely right, but they do come with a setback. Shotguns are great for clearing enemies but like any shotguns, after they deal their devastating damage, they have a reload time. So you’re going to need to be careful with this build even though it brings a lot of damage.

When items and personal stat boosts are concerned, you need to buff up your Shoulders (Ranged Damage), Triceps (Damage %), and Heart (Max HP). Max HP improvement is really important because you will most likely take a hit or two during reloads. Small Magazine and Cape are excellent items that will buff your build even further. While the first gives you ranged damage and attack speed the latter gives you a 20% dodge chance that will significantly increase your survivability.

4. Rock Solid Build

If you want to be a tanky beast like no one’s seen before then you need to get yourself the Golem brotato. By default, this guy gets +20 Max HP with a 33% boost in Max HP and Armor modifications. Further, he gets an extra 40% attack speed and 20% speed when you are under 50% HP. The downside he has is that he can’t heal in any way.

The build we will suggest is the one where you go for 6 Spiky Shields. They will have more than decent damage and knockback allowing you to break through their ranks. The strategy we suggest you use is running into enemies at the start so you lose half HP and get that unique extra boost. Once you have it, play a little bit more conservative and dodge enemies with the extra speed you have now. Your main strategy with this build isn’t to kill as many enemies as you can per second but to simply outlast them. And the overall tankiness you have will allow for that.

For stats, take Chest (Armor), Heart (Max HP) and Back (Dodge) buffs. These survival items are natural for your build that can’t have any healing. Likewise, you should choose items with similar bonuses such as Exoskeleton and Warrior Helmet. These items buff up your Max HP pool and Armor making you a tough potato to crack. Tardigrade is an interesting late-game item that you can get since it nullifies the damage of one hit taken in each wave.

3. Fight Club Build

This build will need the good old Brawler character. He has a +50% Attack Speed with unarmed weapons like Fists, a +15% dodge, and -50 Range and -50 Ranged Damage which makes sense since he is focused on fighting with his hands. For this build, you’ll need to take 6 fists as soon as possible and brawl it out with the aliens in old-school style. Also, upgrade those fists all the way as they are the best melee weapons in the game when boosted fully.

Your build will be based mostly on Nose (Luck), Reflexes (Attack Speed) and Back (Dodge). You will be in your enemies’ faces all the time so get some survivability by upgrading your Lungs (Health Regen) and Chest (Armor) a bit but don’t max them out.

When choosing items go for Riposte which will give you a 100% chance of dealing 300% Melee Damage to an enemy whose attack you dodge. So the bigger the Dodge buff the bigger this damage output will be. Also, be on the lookout for the Mammoth that has the highest Melee Damage boost (+20) in the game and an amazing +5HP regen.

2. Nobleman Build

If you want to start killing masses of aliens in Nobleman style you need to pick the Knight. He has everything you would expect one knight to have – a + 2 Melee damage for every 1 Armor, +5 Armor, and an 80% reduction in all Harvesting modifications. On the downside, he can’t equip Ranged weapons and can only have tier 2 and above weapons (he is classy). You also lose -50 on Engineering and -50 on Elemental damage. Your weapons of choice will be 6 swords in this case.

Start building your stats with Chest (Armor), Heart (Max HP) and Back (Dodge). You can alternatively build up Nose (Luck) instead of Back if you want to get more and better drops. For early-game items, you can get Coffee and Mastery that boosts your attack speed and melee damage. But, for late-game, we advise getting a Warrior Helmet and Exoskeleton as both boost your Armor, thus increasing your damage.

Swords will alternate between slashing and thrusting giving you a great potential to clear large groups of enemies. Due to your built-up tankiness you will be able to stand up to big groups and not worry about dying easily. One additional stat that you ought to think about that wasn’t mentioned above is the attack speed, since slashing with 6 powerful swords can get pretty OP when your speed is boosted.

1. Spirit Killer Build

When you decide to go for an ultimate killer build you need to get yourself a Ghost brotato. This fearless fighter has +10 Damage with Ethereal weapons, an amazing starting +30% Dodge, a 90% Dodge cap and -100 Armor. The amazing thing here is the starting dodge chance this character has since the real benefits of dodge are visible only in later stages. The starting 30% gives you an upper hand and allows you to see these benefits much sooner in your run.

You will need to use 6 Ghost Axes in this build since this is the Ethereal weapon that you get a boost for. Additionally, these axes get an extra +1% permanent damage buff for every 20 kills (this number reduces as you upgrade the weapon) which will scale excellent with time and will give you an upper hand with the bosses.

The natural dodge will push you towards buffing Back (Dodge) as well as Forearms (Melee Damage) and Heart (Max HP). When it comes to items, the most valuable one for you will be Adrenaline which gives you +5% Dodge and a 50% chance to heal 5 HP when dodging an attack. Also, Retromation’s Hoodie and Cape are excellent choices. The first will give you 2% Attack Speed for every 1% Dodge chance you have (those axes are going to start flying) while the latter gives an additional 20% Dodge and a 5% lifesteal. If you get them at the same time you will be the closest to unstoppable as you can get.

We hope you enjoyed our detailed guide about the best builds in Brotato. Find out more about the game in our article How to Get Spuds in Brotato and follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook if you want to find more guides just like this one.

Image of Đorđe Ivanović
Đorđe Ivanović
Đorđe Ivanović (Djordje Ivanovic) is Managing Editor of Gamer Journalist and has been with the site since 2022. He has a BA in Journalism and five years of professional writing experience behind him, with a recent personal focus on gaming and technology niches. His GJ coverage includes WWII games, puzzle games, Path of Exile, Overwatch and other live service games. In his free time, you will find this adamant fan of Dota solving some sort of escape room games, and getting familiar with board gaming.