The game we all know and love has once again received a new snapshot that will give players many more hours of playtime. Mojang Studios created and released the sandbox video game Minecraft, which was initially launched in 2011. It has now grown to become one of the most well-known and recognizable video games ever. In fact, it has achieved the most sales out of any video game, ever. Even Tetris has to nod its head to this blocky beast. The game’s goal is straightforward: to thrive in a procedurally generated environment with a variety of hazards and monsters. Players will gather resources, construct buildings, and craft items.
Minecraft’s open world design provides gamers unlimited opportunities for discovery and personalization. The game includes a number of game modes, each with its own set of goals and difficulties, including survival, creative, and adventure. Additionally lauded because of its academic usefulness, Minecraft is frequently used by educators to instruct classes in coding and math. The viral success of the game has created a number of spin-off videogames, merchandise lines, and a devoted fanbase that is still growing. Minecraft’s developer team is very committed to the game, with many working on the title for over a decade now. They have recently released a new snapshot that will forever change the game for good.
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Which Armor Designs Are The Coolest?

Armor Templates and trims are new ways to customize how your armor looks in Minecraft. As you can see in the image above, the result is a variety of colors and patterns. This new update will have many different uses, including PvP designs and perhaps the introduction to fashion in Minecraft. In order to customize your armor, you will need both a Smithing Armor Template and a Smithing Table. These Templates spawn in various locations around the world of Minecraft, or from killing certain mobs, as we will discuss below. Without further ado, here are some of the nicest looking armor trims currently available in Minecraft.
The Vex Armor Design

This armor trim has a very unique look to it, especially in that its chestplate design almost resembles a suit-and-tie. In fact, the original reference to the image described these as “suits”. This look was created by using iron ingots as trim for netherite armor on the right. On the left, netherite ingots were used as trim for an iron chestplate. As you can see, the fashion of Minecraft is already evolving based on peoples’ imaginations.
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The Coast Armor Design

This Armor Template is able to be found in Shipwrecks. What is so appealing about the Coast Armor design is that its lines represents the flowing waves of the sea. While many other designs have straight lines and sharp edges, the Coast Armor is wavy and relaxed. Typically, Shipwrecks will hold anywhere from 0-3 Smithing Templates for this armor within their ruins. However, you may need to search a few times before you get lucky. All things considered, this Armor Template is without a doubt worth the effort, especially with how cool it looks.
The Sentry Armor Design

Sometimes, the simpler really does mean the better. The Sentry Armor Template adds a couple of clean lines to your armor set, accentuating it without too much flair. This does have its advantages as well, however, so do not be too quick to discount it. For example, in a PvP situation the Sentry Armor design can help you to not stand out to everyone else. If all your enemies are using flashy designs with bright trims and armor combinations, they will easier to spot. You can avoid that unwanted attention but stay stylish with the Sentry Armor Template. Moreover, Sentry Armor can be found in Pillager Outposts, meaning you won’t have to work too hard to obtain it.
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The Wild Armor Design

Found in Jungle Temples, tap into your crazy side with the Wild Armor design. With lines all around, there is not really a flow to the Wild Armor Template, but that’s okay! Sometimes, a little variety here and there can actually be better than sticking to a formula, especially in fashion. The Wild Armor is unique in that it has a line directly above the player’s face on its helmet. This almost makes the player look like they have a unibrow, which with the right trim could be hilarious. Although the Wild Armor may not look as appealing as other options to some, we like its different type of design a lot.
The Ward Armor Design

This design certainly looks sturdy, and for good reason! The Ward Armor Templates can only be found in an Ancient City, meaning they are hard to get. However, the effort it takes to obtain one is certainly well worth the risk. With a unique square shape in the middle of the chestplate, this design stands out amongst the rest. Using diamond armor as the base and complimenting it with emerald trim, this image shows the Ward Armor at its best.
The Eye Armor Design

Another armor design that has a very unique look to it. The Eye Armor design instantly attracts…well, your eyes! Found only in a Stronghold, this design may be one of the hardest to find in the game, and certainly one of the most difficult to obtain from a chest. The other Template that ties with the Eye Armor design in difficulty is the Spire Armor. The Spire Armor Template can be found in an End City, which makes them equal in terms of when you might find them in your game’s progress. Additionally, the Eye Armor design looks magnificent on any armor material. In this photo, lapis lazuli is being used as trim for a diamond armor base.
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The Tide Armor Design

This Template is the hardest to get in the game, at least in our opinion. The Tide Armor is so difficult to get because of how you can obtain it. By killing an Elder Guardian, you may be able to get a Tide Armor Template. However, this only happens half of the time, which means you don’t have a guaranteed chance to get it first try. Also, Elder Guardians only spawn in the underwater Ocean Monuments, meaning you will need to be skilled to find and kill one. Being one of the most powerful monsters in the game, ensure you stock up on Totems of Undying and healing potions beforehand.
Do All Armor Types Work?
Unfortunately, any fans of Leather Armor will be disappointed. You cannot use materials to trim that kind of armor, although it would certainly look stylish. Hopefully in a future update there will be a change that allows this to work. The same thing applies for the Turtle Shell, which cannot be trimmed or given a different design as of now.
Where Do All of the Armor Templates Spawn?
The Armor Templates spawn all across the map in Minecraft. By looking in structures generated by the game, you should find corresponding Templates. The Templates themselves are related to the biome and structure that they spawn in, which certainly makes things easier. Here is the complete list of all known Template spawn locations in the game:
Template Name | Spawn Location |
Sentry Armor Template | Spawns in Pillager Outposts |
Dune Armor Template | Spawns in Desert Pyramids |
Snout Armor Template | Spawns in Bastion Remnants |
Spire Armor Template | Spawns in End Cities |
Eye Armor Template | Spawns in Strongholds |
Rib Armor Template | Spawns in Nether Fortresses |
Wild Armor Template | Spawns in Jungle Temples |
Coast Armor Template | Spawns in Shipwrecks |
Ward Armor Template | Spawns in Ancient Cities |
Vex Armor Template | Spawns in Woodland Mansions |
Tide Armor Template | Drops from Elder Guardians on death |
Which Armor Template Is the Easiest to Find?
The easiest Template to find out of all those listed above is definitely the Sentry Armor Template. This is based on calculations of the rarity their correlated structures spawn with. Also, the Sentry Armor Template hidden in Pillager Outposts does not require you to kill many mobs. Therefore, it is easy to obtain earlier on in your game’s progression. This allows you to look fashionable from the first day in Minecraft!
We hope you found this list on the best armor designs in Minecraft useful. Be sure to look up Gamer Journalist on Facebook so that you don’t miss our next informative guide or tutorial. If you’re interested in Minecraft, consider reading our guide on how to turn off Fullbright in Minecraft, or our review of what ocelots can eat in Minecraft, so your feline companions never miss a meal again.
Published: Feb 6, 2023 09:02 am