With 24 Entertainment’s breakout Battle Royale title, Naraka: Bladepoint recently release on the Xbox Series X|S, there’s no better time than now to help those newer players find their way. Bladepoint definitely isn’t your grandfather’s BR title. Trading bullets and vehicles for melee weapons and gravity-defying traversal, Bladepoint really takes time to fully understand and get used to in order to be effective on its battlefield. Luckily for you though, we’ve got an Xbox beginner’s guide to Naraka: Bladepoint to help.
It’s worth pointing out that this game has many layers to it and our guide may not go too deep into some aspects. This is the perfect starting point for new players, in order for them to gain a proper understanding of some of this game’s core mechanics and give a bit of strategy on some things that we’ve found useful. We’ll also be focusing solely on the Survival (BR) game mode and not any of the others included in-game.
Xbox Beginners Guide To Naraka: Bladepoint

Above all, play this game’s two tutorials. The first gives players a chance to grasp the various controls while the second focuses on how the Survival mode works. Both are invaluable to new players or those looking to remind themselves if something they’ve forgotten even existed.
My two main takeaways from these tutorials are that they’ll give you a sense of what weapons you’ll be most comfortable with (melee or ranged) and show how this game’s respawning system works. Though this game is very different combat and traversal-wise than its counterparts, a lot of its other gameplay elements are just reworked versions of what we’ve come to see in other BR titles when boiled down.
Like any good BR title, Bladepoint gives players many different items to keep track of. You have Soulsjades that act as buffs, consumables that work for health and armor, Dark Tide coins for spending at shops, and weapons. Of course, health items and Souldjades are of the utmost importance as they can make sure you’re in top shape for just about any upcoming battle.
One specific item that players can also find on the battlefield is the Weaponry Chest. I found this item to be extremely important as it restores weapon durability. While this game won’t have players looking for ammunition for their weapons, durability plays the part instead. Having Weapon Chests handy allows for your weapons, especially the rarer ones to last a whole lot longer.
Just as it’s important to make sure your weapons are in good standing, it’s also just as important to make sure that you’re using ones that suit your playstyle. Every weapon whether melee or ranged has its own feeling. Some are quicker but cause less damage while others are slower but allow for a more crushing blow.
Finding the weapons that feel most comfortable to you is going to mean that you can turn the tide of a fight easier because it’s essentially an extension of yourself. Experimenting with weapons early on will definitely be the best course. Though if you’re familiar with some of these weapons from other games, then you should be able to find your footing much quicker.
Going hand in hand with weapons though is the character that you’re going to want to choose. There’s a large roster of characters to choose from, each giving players free reign over their unique abilities and skills. These can play a heavy role when it comes to your fighting style, so choosing the right one is integral to how well you do. It’s very similar to that of a hero shooter.
Traversal in Bladepoint could look daunting to new players but it’s actually very similar to modern Assassin’s Creed games and even the latest movement that you can find in Fortnite. It’s all very smooth and doesn’t require too much training overall. You can run up walls, zipline across buildings with the Grapplinghook, and even pull yourself over to an enemy if you lock onto them.
I’d say that the biggest thing to keep in mind with traversal is that it’s going to be easy to get the hang of but difficult to master. When you’re starting out, you won’t always be able to outrun your pursuer but with repetition comes mastery. Appreciate those failures because they’ll lead you to better strategy and understanding.
My biggest piece of advice would be to make sure you are aware of your surroundings when in-game. There aren’t really going to be gunshots or heavy footsteps going past you to give a sense of where an enemy is, so you have to really pay attention to a new degree. Heavy footsteps are traded for lighter, quicker ones going through the grass.
Having a sense of center to yourself when scavenging or even engaging in a battle gives you a leg up if an enemy is going to take that opportunity to hit you from behind when you’re busy. It’s also worth noting that being more reserved when in combat will also give you a strong foothold. Going into a fight on the offense is attractive but can open you up to being easily ambushed by another combatant. Holding out and being aware of your full surroundings are going to pay off, especially in the beginning.
That’s our full Xbox beginners’ guide to Naraka: Bladepoint. Hopefully, this helps you out in some way when it comes to mastering this brand-new Xbox game. There’s so much going on in this title and it can seem impossible to parse sometimes but through experimentation and repetition, you’ll get the hang of it, eventually.
Related: Naraka Bladepoint: How To Get The Awakening Bundle For Free
Published: Jul 5, 2022 12:03 pm