If you’re an active Fortnite player, then chances are that you’ve seen your fair share of crossovers in the game. Whether major events or simply cosmetic outfits and pickaxes, there’s never a shortage of inclusions from some of the worlds biggest IPs. Its been Star Wars, Dragon Ball Z, Marvel, and DC, just to name a few.
A franchise I would’ve liked to have seen by now is none of than Disney and James Cameron’s Avatar, as its characters would really go well with Fortnite’s visuals as well as fit in with the other warrior characters in-game. But there are even more franchises that need to crossover with Fortnite for a mashup. So, where’s my Avatar crossover, Fortnite? Here are 8 mashups that need to happen.
Where’s My Avatar Crossover, Fortnite? 8 Mashups That Need to Happen

Of course, we have to start out the list with the one whose name I’ve already dropped; Avatar. I really think that both the Na’Vi and the RDA could be well-implemented into the game. In fact, I though that would happen in Chapter 3 seeing as that big Reality Tree area reminded folks of Pandora. Talk about a lost opportunity.
Another lost opportunity would be the Matrix franchise. Many gamers, myself included, thought that 2022 would’ve been the year we would see Neo and the gang make it into Fortnite since The Matrix Ressurections had released toward the end of 2021. To add even more possibility to this, Fortnite gave players who took part in the Christmas event a Matrix item out in the form of a Sentinel glider.
We’ve gotten Kratos, Doom Guy, Master Chief, Lara Croft, and many more. But one person we’re still missing is Nintendo’s bruting hero, Samus Aran. It would be so great to play as her alongside PlayStation and Xbox’s mascots. She’s so iconic and it’s such a shame that she hasn’t blasted her way into the game. Maybe she’ll join when Metroid Prime 4 releases…
Lord of the Rings
Just for fun, it would be really great to play as characters from The Shire, or even some baddies like Gollum or Saruman. I could also see Fortnite adding events to the game too since Chapter 4 has many medieval-themed areas. Fantasy and Fortnite always mix well.
Pirates of the Caribbean
As far as guilty pleasures go, none of mine are as more beloved than Pirates of the Caribbean. We could see iconic characters like Elizabeth Swan-Turner, Will Turner, Davy Jones, and of course, Jack Sparrow. I’d also like to see how Epic Games could bring the skeleton crew of Captain Barbosa into the game as well.
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The Fast & The Furious
Though I’m personally not a fan of this franchise, you gotta give credit where it’s due. And it’s kind of unbelievable that the Fast franchise hasn’t made its way into Fortnite yet. We’ve gotten action heroes in the past, but the Fast characters are some that have really become something entirely pop-culture situated, whether in a positive way or in a meme sort of way. Who wouldn’t want to play as Dom Toretto and activate some kind of Emote with a soundbite of Vin Diesel saying “family”?
Mortal Kombat
If Street Fighter can exist in a world where guns go further than firsts, than Mortal Kombat most certainly can too. MK has some pretty iconic characters itself, and there would be a lot of room for different pickaxe skins, gliders, and even Emotes to go along with this epic roster of characters.
If Samus couldn’t work, a close second would be Cereza from Platinum Games and Nintendo’s Bayonetta franchise. She’s used to using guns, and could have some epic Emotes as well. Though her look may have to be tamed slightly, she would be a welcomed addition to the Shop.
Well, those are all of our choices for franchises that should mashup with Fortnite! Be sure to check out some of our other great lists too to see more, such as “What Are the Top 10 Sexiest Fortnite Skins?”.
Published: Dec 10, 2022 02:24 pm