In just about any Pokémon game, mainline or otherwise, finding the Legendary Pokémon is a major goal and point of pride. Whether it be due to sheer scarcity or their fantastical abilities, just proof that these Pokémon exist is invaluable, which is why any Pokémon photographer worth their salt should endeavor to snap photos of them. Here’s where to find all of the Legendary Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap.
There are exactly ten Legendary Pokémon to uncover and photograph throughout New Pokémon Snap’s various courses. Some of them are relatively easy to coax out, while others require a bit of problem solving and persistence on your part. Hope your camera roll’s cleared, because you’ve got a lot of pictures to take.
Where to Find all Legendary Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap
Here is where you can find the Legendary Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap:
- Xerneas: Ruins of Remembrance Illumina Spot.
- Jirachi: Ruins of Remembrance.
- Mew: Founja Jungle (Night).
- Shaymin: Florio Nature Park (Day).
- Celebi: Elsewhere Forest.
- Manaphy: Maricopia Reef (Evening).
- Diancie: Outaway Cave.
- Ho-Oh: Fireflow Volcano.
- Lugia: Lental Seafloor Undersea.
- Suicune: Shiver Snowfield (Day).
Xerneas is the easiest Legendary to find, as it’s the last “boss” of the game, the final Illumina Pokémon of the final Illumina Spot at the Ruins of Remembrance. You’ll run into it no matter what.

After you’ve seen Xerneas and cleared the story, return to the Ruins of Remembrance. Look up near the beginning of the stage, and you’ll see Jirachi floating by.

The much-coveted last encounter of the first game, Mew is much easier to find this time around. Just visit Founja Jungle at Night; when the course starts, immediately turn around and play your music box. Mew will fly out in a pink orb, which you can break with a fluffruit to get a clear shot of it.

Another nocturnal Legendary, Shaymin naps in the flower field of Florio Nature Park at night. When you reach the flower field, look for the two Crystablooms on your right. Light them both up, and Shaymin will pop out. Once you’ve done this at night, it’ll also start appearing during the day.

We’ve actually got a dedicated guide for finding Celebi you can check out, but if you want the short version, just follow the path of the Elsewhere Forest without taking any detours, and it should fly by at the end in the clearing with the Bewear. If it doesn’t show up, your Research Level may need to be higher.

Another post-game unlock, Manaphy is found in the nighttime version of Maricopia Reef unlocked after seeing Xerneas. Near the end of the stage, there’s an alternate route that passes near a group of Lapras. Light them all up with Illumina Orbs, then play your music box to call up Manaphy.

On a higher Research Level for Outaway Cave, look for the large, crystal-filled room near the end of the course. There should be two Carbinks and a Mawile bumming around; just light them all up with Illumina Orbs, and out pops Diancie.

Ho-Oh, as many have come to expect of it over the years, travels in completely random patterns. The only consistent element to its appearance is that it shows up in the sky of Fireflow Volcano. Beyond that, it’s a toss-up, though it has been sighted more frequently over the room where Tyrantrum and Tyranitar are having a fight.

On the Lental Seafloor, take the path branch opened by Clawitzer near the beginning of the course. You’ll pass by lots of Frillish on your way down. When you see some Lanturns swimming in the distance, light one up with an Illumina Orb to make the Frillish chase it. Later on, you’ll see that same Lanturn under attack by the Frillish. Hit it with another Illumina Orb to set it free. As thanks, it’ll show you another path branch that leads to a napping Lugia.

The process of finding Suicune has the most moving parts in the whole game, so you might wanna save this for last. At Shiver Snowfield during the day, find the Alolan Sandslash near the beginning of the course. Take a picture, and it’ll leave. Snap it again above the Beartic, then once again ahead of the large slope you climb. It’ll dig up a new path, but you can’t use it just yet. Come back to the course at night, and you can take the path then.
Look for a Crabominable near a tree and chuck an Illumina Orb at it. This’ll set off a chain reaction that ends with a Frosslass being launched into the air. Take a picture of it, and another path will open. Take the new path, and you’ll see a Jynx on top of an Avalugg. Light the Jynx up with an Illumina Orb, and Suicune will come dashing in from behind the cliff to your right.

New Pokémon Snap is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch, and you can learn more at the official website.
Published: May 6, 2021 08:07 pm