Destiny 2 Lightfall is bringing a lot of new things to Destiny 2 players and it’s no wonder that the updated power cap will be one of those things. In previous Seasons of Destiny 2, players could reach a maximum power cap of 1520 by completing The Witch Queen DLC on legendary difficulty.
Now, the players are excited to hear the fact that the power cap has been raised. Read on to find out what is the power cap in Destiny 2 Lightfall and how you can reach it quickly.
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Power Cap in Destiny 2 Lightfall Explained
The soft cap in Destiny 2 Light fall is 1750, the power cap is 1800 and the pinnacle cap is 1810. Completing the campaign on legendary difficulty will get you to soft cap quickly while you would need to have powerful or pinnacle gear in order to reach 1800 and 1810.
Some of the things that you can do to get pinnacle or powerful gear are:
- Farming Prime engrams
- Completing featured raid and dungeon of the week
- Through vendor bonuses on Tower
- Getting 3 Nightfall completions
- Completing the Witch Queen
- Completing the 6-player activity Terminal Overload
- Completing Season of Defiance
After reaching the 1800 power cap you can boost yourself up to the pinnacle cap of 1810 by obtaining pinnacle gear. Of course, this is if you wish to grind and get to the power cap as fast as possible. If you aren’t in a rush and you actually find your perfect gaming experience in a steady tempo of leveling up then do it.
More ways of reaching the power cap will definitely be discovered as players start completing quests, raids, and seasonal events.
We hope you enjoyed our article. See more Destiny 2 Lightfall content in our articles talking about the Destiny 2 Lightfall story plot and what you can expect from the Exotic armor. For more similar news follow us on Facebook and keep up with the latest news from the gaming world.
Published: Feb 28, 2023 10:16 AM UTC