Font of Wisdom is one of the most popular mods in all of Destiny 2. It powers a lot of Destiny 2‘s META builds and is a great option to have whenever you’re build-crafting yourself. Just what is Font of Wisdom, though? And how do you get it?
I’m going to run through what Font of Wisdom is and what it does. I’ll also explain how you can get your hands on the mods for yourself.
Font of Wisdom Destiny 2 – What it is

Font of Wisdom in Destiny 2 is an elemental-less four-cost combat-style armor mod. It’s one of the few Elemental Well mods that buffs you for picking up Wells that doesn’t belong to an element.
While you have it equipped, picking up an Elemental Well that matches your subclass will grant you a buff to your intellect stat for 30 seconds. While this effect is active — your intellect stat is equal to 100, granting you much faster super regen.
This is a particularly powerful Elemental Well mod and is used in most builds — especially in combination with Stasis and Elemental Shards. It can power a super-based build almost singlehandedly and is 100% a META mod.
Font of Wisdom Destiny 2 – How to Get it

Given how powerful Font of Wisdom is in Destiny 2, most players are going to want to get their hands on it. When this mod first launched during Season of the Chosen, it was available for purchase from the seasonal vendor. However, that vendor is no longer available. As such, the only way to get the mod is to purchase it from Ada-1.
Ada-1 is a mod vendor in the Tower Annex, across the hall from the Drifter. She sells up to two combat-style mods that rotate daily at reset time. The rotation of these mods is random, so it’s impossible to say when she’ll sell Font of Wisdom again.
The only way to guarantee yourself the mod is to check in with Ada-1 daily. You can do this either in-game itself, or by checking the vendor tab in the Destiny 2 Companion app.
You’ll want to make a point of staying on top of this. Some mods have gone months without being sold, so you don’t want to miss it the one day it does show up in her shop.
Related: All Warmind Cell Mods in Destiny 2
Published: Oct 5, 2022 04:17 pm