Some Pokémon are there for decoration purposes only. For players looking to complete the Paldean Pokédex, many Pokémon should not be used when trying to build a strong team for the base-game. When looking at playing the post-game and building a great team for Tera Battling or PvP, the list grows even longer. This is our list on the weakest Pokémon to use in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. With reasons as to why you should steer clear of these Paldean Pokémon for both PvP and general Scarlet and Violet AI battling.
The Weakest Pokémon to Use in Scarlet and Violet
No. 15 – Sableye

Having no evolution, Sableye should be one of those singular Pokémon that have stand-out stats, but unfortunately, it is quite the opposite. Instead, Sableye’s highest starts end at its HP being 304 at Level 100. With such little progression from its Base Stat of 380, this Pokémon is one that is easily skippable. Whilst Sableye may be useable within the first hour of your playthrough, this Pokémon will not get you far in terms of hitting those 3 main Questlines for Scarlet and Violet. Being a Dark Pokémon too, there are so many stronger options for Dark-Types. Be that Tyranitar, Kingambit or Murkrow, to name a few.
Sableye is one of those Pokémon that Game Freak would do better making a Starting Pokémon, instead however, having no evolutionary chain means that Sableye is one of those Pokémon that will remain in the wild, outside of the Poké Ball.
Related: Best Pokemon for Samurott Tera Raid Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet.
No. 14 – Grumpig

Grumpig may be one of the worst Psychic Pokémon within Scarlet and Violet. Being a final form, Grumpig leaves little to be desired within its Base Stats. With a meagre 45 Base Attack, it stands little chance in making a positive and impactful effect within a battle. Instead, its attention shifts towards its Special Defense of 110, but whilst this Pokémon may appear on the tankier side, being an option to replace your hard-hitting Pokémon with Grumpig to adsorb damage, its chances of survival are slim. Not only this but, the process to obtain a Grumpig through levelling up is to a tedious 32 with its first form, Spoink. A journey that I imagine not many Trainers want to partake in.
Its highest Attack is 120 but that is via the use of a Berry which upon initiating the move, the Berry is consumed. Outside of this, your next option is to level Grumpig up until Level 26 to incorporate Psychic Moves, but with its mediocre Attack and Defense, this Pokémon likely will not last to see the end of the Battle.
No. 13 – Sudowoodo

With Sudowoodo being a Rock-Type Pokémon, you would expect this Pokémon to have high Defense and HP Stats. This does seem to be the case, however, its overall ability in a fight is brought down by its slowness. With a Base Stat of 30 for Speed, Sudowoodo should not be selected during a battle, regardless of how early you are using him in Scarlet and Violet.
Being a pure Rock-Type means that it is weaker to far more Types, Sudowoodo is weak against Water, Grass, Steel, Ground and Fighting-Types. A pure Pokémon-Type also means that is only effective and limited to fighting efficiently against specific Types. However, even with a decent health pool and Defense, Sudowoodo’s slow speed means that it will always attack last. This Pokémon will always be on the defence.
No. 12 – Hypno

Hypno is possibly the most useless Psychic-Type Pokémon in the franchise. With overall mediocre Base Stats of 85 HP, 73 Attack, 70 Defense and 67 Speed, its only redeeming quality is its higher Sp. Defense Stat of 115. But this still is not enough to warrant us picking this Pokémon other stronger, more viable Psychic-Types. Its move set which can be changed with the usage of TMs does not provide enough support to make Hypno a stronger Pokémon. With such a low damage output and moves that consist of causing effects on the opposition rather than hurting them, such as Hypnosis, Disable and Switcheroo. Hypno is a Pokémon which only those looking for a challenge will add this Pokémon to their team.
No. 11 – Kricketune

Kricketune has similar general and mediocre stats to that of Wugtrio. In that the highest Base Stat for Kricketune is 85 Attack. With relatively low Base Stats, Kricketune is the worst Bug-Type Pokémon to use in Scarlet and Violet. This Pokémon will likely all be on the defence with its Speed Stat of 65 and with lower Stats in an attempt to defend itself from the opposition. Its Defensive Stats are 51 for both Defense and Sp. Defense.
Whilst Kricketune has the ability to boost its weakest Move, this will not save it from defending the following turn of the opposition. Similar to that of Wugtrio, whether you get in a move first does not matter. The likelihood of these Pokémon falling into critical health is high. This Pokémon can only be used in the starter part of the base-game and renders useless in PvP and post-game features such as Tera Raid Battling.
No. 10 – Spidops

Similar to Sudowoodo, its Defensive Stats are higher on the scale in regard to their overall Base Stats. With Spidops having a Defense of 92, its Speed makes this Pokémon incredibly hard to use. Its microscopic 35 Base Speed makes for an impossible match up against other opponents. Because of this, its Base HP of 60 means that not only will the opposition go first but you will likely fall into critical health after the first attack. Whilst this Pokémon has many strong moves that can be taught as you level Spidops up, this is not enough to take the Pokémon out of this list.
Similar to Kricketune, by being a pure Bug-Type, this means that its highly offensive move set cannot be utilised fully due to its weakness against Flying, Fire, Psychic and Fairy-Types. If its Speed Stat was higher, or this Pokémon was a Bug/Fighting-Type, Spidops would be a more viable option to use in battle. But because of these low Base Stats and its terrible speed, Spidops stays in the same place as Sudowoodo. At the bottom of the Pokémon chain.
No. 9 – Flittle

Yes this Pokémon has Speed, no it is not worth it. Whilst Flittle has higher Base Stats than others on this list, this Pokémon is incredibly mediocre in all departments. Can you survive using this Pokémon until Level 35 so that you can get out its stronger counterpart, the ostrich? I know I cannot. Its highest Attack of 90 comes at 34, just one level before evolution, what is the point in that? Instead, you will often be using a Move Set that is more confused that my adolescent years of figuring out my sexuality. Being another Psychic-Type, Game Freak clearly set a distinct divide between the good and the bad in this Typing, with Flittle being on the side of the bad.
Whilst it has a higher Base Speed, meaning that Flittle will likely hit first before your opponent, especially in the early stages, this Pokémon will not be able to down anything worthy of a battle. So you can ignore every part of Scarlet and Violet that is to do with narrative progression and stick to the Poco Path if Flittle is your main Pokémon.
No. 8 – Paldean Wooper

Wooper is definitely one of those Pokémon that require you to be dedicated towards its levelling up process in order to get the best you can out of this Pokémon. But the problem is that in previous installments Wooper evolved into Quagsire and in Scarlet and Violet, players get the questionable Clodsire. Whilst this Pokémon is incredibly bulky, with the ability to absorb a ton of damage, it is not as helpful as Quagsire due to its removal of the Water-Typing. Now, players will collect their Paldean Wooper and reveal some of the worst Base Stats in the entire game.
The Wooper is placed on the lower end of this list due to the ability to get a Johtonian Wooper (the blue one) in Scarlet and Violet so you can evolve it into Quagsire. But Wooper must evolve because no one in their right mind would use this Pokémon based on its Stats. There is nothing redeeming among its Base Stats that warrant your attention. With 55 HP, 45 Attack, 45 Defense and the snail pace 15 Speed, the Wooper is as short-lived as a Whoopee Cushion deflating.
No. 7 – Nymble

Being one of the few Pokémon inside a set of those with 210 Base Stat, Nymble may be the worst Bug-Type Pokémon to use in Scarlet and Violet. With higher Base Stats of 46 Attack over a microscopic 33 HP, 21 Special Attack and 25 Special Defense, this Pokémon has nothing going for it that warrants you placing this Pokémon in your party. Outside of utilizing the Shared XP function, Nymble is one of those Pokémon that are both forgettable and upon remembering them, you will find no reason to add them into your team.
Its highest Attacks stem from specific Moves, Assurance, which requires Nymble to get hit to use this Move (well he is not surviving that) or Bug Bite, but needs a Berry in order to use this Move. Clearly Game Freak is telling you to leave this Pokémon in the Ball and wait until Level 24 so you can evolve it because there is nothing saving Nymble from Pokémon damnation.
No. 6 – Tarountula

Whilst its evolutionary form appears on this list, its first form must be outlined as readers are probably wondering where the third on the Base Stat 210 list is and here he is – Tarountula. Yes, another Pokémon with a Base Stat of 210, being one of the few that deserve to be ignored. The Tarountula, along with Lechonk appear as the wildlife side of Scarlet and Violet. These are the first wild Pokémon you will come across in Paldea and are some of the most forgettable. Your only reminder of these Pokémon is to receive them through Surprise Trading as a reminder as to why these Pokémon are never put in a party. Being some of the most collected Pokémon in the game, Paldea are running out of Tarountula and Lechonk.
This Pokémon has shockingly slow Speed of Base 20 so that it will almost never go first when battling. With a mediocre 45 Defense and a smaller 35 HP, you will be lucky to get to round 2 with this Pokémon. Tarountula is useable for the Poco Path only, against other Tarountula, in a team where you can switch him out. Do not bother with his evolutionary form either as it appeared earlier on this list.
No. 5 – Wugtrio

Wugtrio is one of the latest Pokémon introduced into Generation 9 and wow it was a let down. It basically is the Water-Type version of Dugtrio but with worse abilities. As Water-Type have many well-known, beloved and super strong choices such as Gyarados, Vaporeon and Azurmarill. There is not really any reason to give for choosing Wugtrio over other Water-Type Pokémon in Paldea. With the limited move set types of Ground, Water, Dark and Normal. Wugtrio’s damage output leaves little to be desired in PvP or using Wugtrio in the late game of Scarlet and Violet.
With the ability of Gooey, lowering the opposition’s Speed Stat. Its little damage output and a tiny health pool means that Wugtrio cannot do much to follow on from its battle ability of lowering Speed. In fact, this Water-Type cannot do much at all in a battle and will likely be beaten no matter the circumstances.
No. 4 – Delibird

Delibird is the worst Ice-Type Pokémon to use in Scarlet and Violet. It is rather interesting that the new 7-Star Tera Raid is of Delibird. With incredibly low Base Stats overall of 45 HP, 55 Attack and 45 Defense, not even its Special Attack and Defense can save this Pokémon from the brink of damnation. Whilst it has one of the highest Base Speed Stats out of the Pokémon on this list, its other stats prove pretty much useless in a battle. Yes Delibird may go first, but its low HP and Defense will mean that you will likely lose Delibird within the first turn.
Nothing can save this Pokémon with such low and mediocre Base Stats. It does not help that there is not a single Stat that pushes Delibird into become a viable option in battle. Everything is pretty much the same across the board. What is worse is that Delibird is the hardest Pokémon on this list to obtain in Scarlet and Violet. This Pokémon is on the rarer side of spawn rates, not only this but because it is an Ice-Type it can only be found in Glaseado Mountains. Why make players go out of their way and cannot be caught early in the game just to pick up a Pokémon that is not even viable in a battle? Crazy stuff from Game Freak there.
No. 3 – Snom

There are many Pokemon that require you to work hard to evolve them and Snom is one of these. This Pokémon is so terrible that it is borderline offensive. With a total Base Stats of 185, Snom is a disgrace to Paldea. Whilst its evolution of Frosmoth offers a stronger dual Typing of Ice-Bug, there are not many reasons to stick with Snom being a member of your party. With its highest Stat being Special Attack, this Pokémon will not make it beyond the first stage let alone be able to get out one of two moves it has throughout its entire existence: Struggle Bug or Powder Snow. Snom is quite literally the embodiment of liability, being something you may find cute to hold in your pocket and in this case, just leave this Pokémon within a Poké Ball.
Luckily it is relatively easy to evolve this Pokémon through giving it love and attention, whilst most probably do not want to do this. If you want a Frosmoth, simply utilize the Picnic and the Soothe Bell to increase your bond.
No. 2 – Luvdisc

Luvdisc is one of the worst Pokémon to use in pretty much any Pokémon installment. With shockingly lower base stats of 43 HP, 30 Atk and 55 Def. Whilst Luvdisc has a high Speed stat due its ability of Swift Swim which is used when raining, raising the user’s Speed. This Pokémon provides stats that are little to be desired. Placed in the Pokémon scene as a cute and pretty Pokémon, one to use purely as decoration or pet purposes, Luvdisc does terribly in battle. With its Attack rising to a whopping and tear-watering 90 damage, Luvdisc does not even reach the minimum Attack stat of our previous entry Pokémon, Sudowoodo with the Attack of 94- 167.
I truly believe that this Pokémon was added into the game as something pretty to look at. Yet another Pokémon to be added into a fish bowl with the number 1 spot on this list.
No. 1 – Magikarp

The title of ‘The Worst Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet’ goes to the legend that is Magikarp. Of course this Pokémon is on this list and as we all know, Magikarp is literally the most useless Pokémon to use in battle. In fact, it is the most useless Pokémon to use in anything, period. Whilst it evolves into Gyarados who is still one of the greatest Pokémon to use in the franchise. The effort to evolve this Pokémon is ridiculous as all you have to work with is the move Splash. Thank God for the ability to EXP Share in this game.
With Base Stats of 20 HP, 10 Attack and 55 Defense, the only thing Magikarp has going for it is that in the early game it will almost always go first. Its only method of attacking is with the move Tackle and that is learnt at Level 15. Of course, this Pokémon had to be added to the list. We all expected this moment. Magikarp is truly a remarkable Pokémon for surviving so long in a battle. It is probably best to leave this one in the fish bowl at home. Forget Pikachu, Magikarp truly is the mascot of the franchise.
Final Thoughts
That is our ranking of the weakest Pokémon to use in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Do you agree with our picks? Let us know there who you think is the weakest Pokémon of Scarlet and Violet. Aside from Magikarp, I put my money on Luvdisc. It is doubtful that these will increase in strength or become more viable in future Pokémon games. As other Pokémon continue to get stronger and stronger, Game Freak loves to leave some Pokémon in the dust. Like I said, there has to be someone at the bottom of the Pokémon chain.
We hope you enjoyed reading our list on the weakest Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet. Thank you so much for reading! If you are interested in seeing more Scarlet and Violet content, please take a look at our other articles over at Gamer Journalist, from guides to other rankings.
Published: Mar 30, 2023 05:17 pm