Updated: February 13, 2025
We checked for new codes!
All Star Tower Defense is one of the most popular tower defense games in the Roblox ecosystem. Build unique units and use them to fend off waves of enemies. Upgrade your units and troops to make them more powerful and help you survive the rounds. We have a complete list of working codes for ASTD you can use to get some free gems and other in-game rewards to help you summon more units.
Use our All Star Tower Defense codes list to redeem free in-game currency, exclusive limited-time items, and more. The codes expire quickly, so be sure to use them as soon as possible. Bookmark this page by pressing CTRL+D on your keyboard, and check back again soon for updates.
All Star Tower Defense Codes
Current All Star Tower Defense Codes
- superdaydaykid100ksubs — Unlocks: 220 Stardust and 9000 Gems (Requires 5 mins and level 40) (New)
- sbrupdate — Unlocks: 240 Stardust and 9000 Gems (Requires 5 mins and level 40) (New)
- omgupdate2024 — Unlocks: 240 Stardust and 9000 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 80) (New)
- animecardbattle — Unlocks: Stardust and Gems
- blamspot500kcodeunitrelease — Unlocks: New unit
- egoupdate — Unlocks: 220 Stardust and 9000 Gems (Requires 5 mins and level 50)
- fraudkunaupdate — Unlocks: 220 Stardust and 9000 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 50)
Expired All Star Tower Defense Codes
- miniupd393 — Unlocks: 140 Stardust and 8600 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 60)
- tradingupdate — Unlocks: 140 Stardust and 8600 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 60)
- HunterStarPass — Unlocks: 140 Stardust and 4500 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 40)
- hope2024 — Unlocks: 140 Stardust and 1.5k Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 40)
- Tsukuyomi2024 — Unlocks: 140 Stardust and 4.5k Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 40)
- animeroulette1 — Unlocks: 150 Stardust (Requires a badge)
- thankyoufor6bvisits — Unlocks: 475 Stardust, 9500 Gems, and a Worm Assassin Unit (Requires 10 mins and level 40)
- 24hoursupdate — Unlocks: Worm Assassin (Revived) Unit (Requires 15 mins and level 40)
- videocode12135 — Unlocks: 100 Stardust and 2400 Gems
- EnumaElish2024 — Unlocks: 400 Stardust and 7300 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 60)
- tournamentstart — Unlocks: 150 Stardust and 5000 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 40)
- newupdate1121 — Unlocks: 200 Stardust and 7500 Gems (Requires 10 mins and level 40)
- UpdateThisWeek — Unlocks: 150 Stardust and 5000 Gems (Requires 5 mins and level 40)
- sorry4delay — Unlocks: 150 Stardust and 5000 Gems (Requires 5 mins and level 40)
- happyholidays2 — Unlocks: 200 Stardust and 5000 Gems (Requires 20 mins and level 100)
- happyholidays1 — Unlocks: 200 Stardust and 5000 Gems (Requires 2 mins and level 40)
- PreChriistmas2023 — Unlocks: 150 Stardust and 2750 Gems (Requires 2 mins and level 40)
- newstarpass69 — Unlocks: 150 Stardust (Requires 20 mins and level 30)
- happy3yearanniversary — Unlocks: 300 Stardust and 2750 Gems (Requires 2 mins and level 40)
- srry4delay — Unlocks: 200 Stardust and 2750 Gems (Rrequires 30 mins and level 40+)
- happyspookymonth — Unlocks: 200x Stardust, 2750x Gems (Requires 30 mins and level 40+)
- newupdatecode — Unlocks: 150x Stardust (Requires 30 mins)
- NewWorld2 — Unlocks: 150 Stardust
- UniverseReset — Unlocks: 150 Stardust (New, requires level 40+)
- TheDrumsOfLiberation2 — Unlocks: 50x Stardust (New, requires 2 Hours)
- TheDrumsOfLiberation — Unlocks: 2500x Gems, 150x Stardust (New, requires level 40+)
- 6billionvists — Unlocks: 2500x Gems, 200x Stardust (New, requires level 40+)
- sorryfordelayupdate2 — Unlocks: 2000x Gems, 200x Stardust (Requires level 40+)
- july4threalupdate — Unlocks: 2000x Gems, 150x Stardust (Requires level 40+)
- abouttimesnowrbx2023 — Unlocks: 1x Ice X-Marine (Alternative) (Requires level 40+)
- NavyXFlameOtherCode — Unlocks: 50x Stardust (Requires level 40+)
- happylatemothersday — Unlocks: 150 Starudst, 2000 Gems (Requires level 50+)
- rolerewardcode — Unlocks: 250 Stardust (must be level 50 or higher)
- Chainsmoke91 — Unlocks: free Stardust (in World 1)
- ASTDEggOpenedFinally — Unlocks: 100 stardust, 2,750 gems, and 1,000 gold
- melonmen1 — Unlocks: 1500 Gems, and 150 Stardust
- youtubekingluffy350kdone — Unlocks: White Star Ball
- newupdcode2 — Unlocks: 150 Stardust
- newupdcode3 — Unlocks: 100 Stardust, and 1000 Gems
- blamsponge — Unlocks: 240 Stardust, 3000 Gems, 1000 Gold (Requires level 50 or higher)
- diablo12 — Unlocks: Omega Rare Pet
- maintenacecode15 — Unlocks: 100 Stardust and 4 Exp IVs
- sorryforlongdelay — Unlocks: 150 Stardust, and 3000 Gems (Requires level 40+)
- navyxflame170kyoutubereal — Unlocks: 100 Stardust, 1000 Gems, 1000 Gold and XP (Requires level 75+)
- thankyoufor5bvisits — Unlocks: 500 Stardust, 10000 Gems, and XP (Requires level 100+)
- delayp — Unlocks: 150 Stardust, 3000 Gems, and 4x XP 6 Stars
- lvlreqny — Unlocks: 150 Stardust, 2023 Gems, and XP (Requires level 60+)
- happyholidays — Redeem for 89 Stardust and 2022 Gems
- mbshutdown — Redeem for 50 Stardust and 10x Exp
- world3ishere — Redeem for 50x Stardust, 10x Exp IV, and 4000 Gems (Must be level 115+ to claim) (New)
- winterguy19 — Redeem for 105 Stardust and 250 Gems
- bigwinterupdatesoon — Redeem for 90 Stardust and 90 Gems (Must be level 40+ to claim)
- 2milfavoriteup — Redeem for 150x Stardust, 10x Exp IV, and 8000 Gems (Must be level 70+ to claim) (New)
- 2yearanniversaryduo — Redeem for 95 Stardust, 10 EXP IV, and 5000 Gems (Must be level 40+ to claim) (New)
- Halloween2022—Redeem for Ice Queen (Hollow)
- timechamberfix – 100 Gems and 20 Stardust
- newstarcode – 90 Stardust
- stardustupdate – 5000 Gems
- ASTDDragonoidBakugan – a Dragonoid Mount
- 1millikes – 350 Gems and an Omega Rare roll
- summerwoo2022 – 750
- 2yearanniversary—Redeem for 10,000 Gems, 100 Stardust, and 10 EXP IV (Must be level 40+ to claim)
- Hooray50k – 400 Gems
- owouch – 400 Gems
- changesjune – 450 Gems
- allstarspring – 450 Gems
- newaprilupdate – 450 Gems
- astd1millikes – 1250 Gems
- ticketupdate – 400 Gems
- NavyXFlame130kNoLeak – an EXP IV and 500 gems
- congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k – New Tower
- ultramove – Ultra Capsule
- superwoop – 400 Gems
- 1mgroupmembers – 800 Gems, 800 Gold
- themadao – 1000 Gems, 750 Gold
- world2ishere – 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- -astddevs: Exp IV
- world2comingsoon – 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- astdx2022 – 500 Gems, 1000 Gold
- merrychristmas2k21 – 1000 Gems, 1000 Gold, EXP IV
- winterbreakwhen – 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- KingLuffyFan200k – 100 Gems, 150 Gems, King Ruffy Unit
- SUBTOBLAMSPOT100kBOA: 100 Gold, 150 Gems, Ms.Love Unit
- december2021: 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- thecityofangels: 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- igot2look: 250 Gems, 250 Gold
- eatlotsonthanksgiving: 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- 100ksubnavyxflame: 300 Gems, Ultra Koku Black
- novemberupdate: 300 Gems, 500 Gold
- happyhalloween2021: 200 gems, 300 gold, 1 halloween capsule
- starshipway: 650 Gems, 650 Gold, Exp IV
- robloxyay: 300 Gems, 800 Gold, Exp III
- navyxflame80ksubs: 300 Gems
- anniversaryastd: 1250 Gems, 1500 Gold, Exp IV
- goldgemgold: 250 Gems and 650 Gold
- 4partyrocking: 250 Gems
- wowshutdown: 200 Gems
- longwait: 450 Gems
- fruit100k: 300 Gems, EXP III
- longmaintenance: 450 Gems
- thursdayfun: 250 Gems
- tacotuesday: 250 Gems
- 2bcodeswagmodeblazeit: 400 Gems and a drip unit
- shutdownagaincode21: 250 Gems
- nooshutdown: 400 Gems
- septemberupdate21: 250 Gems
- specialkingluffy100k: 150 Gems and Special King Ruffy
- nowherescoredeal: 250 Gems
- gamebreakingvisits101: 250 Gems
- illbewatchingyou: 300 Gems
- theotheronecode: 250 Gems
- minishutdown: 200 Gems
- mrworldwide: 300 Gems
- morecodeforyouxd: 175 Gems
- codeofprisma: 250 Gems
- codeoflight: 250 Gems
- listentothemusic132: 175 Gems
- howareyoutodaymyfriendo: 175 Gems
- fruitysubmore: 250 Gems
- 4thofjulyupdate: 250 Gems, 250 Coins, EXP III
- lesgolesgoyuuh: 150 Gems
- supertime: 150 Gems
- biggerthanlife1: 150 Gems
- fruitgame: 150 Gems
- 600klikes: 175 Gems
- updatejune2021: 250 Gems, 250 Gold, EXP III
- fruit – 500 Gold, 550 Gems, EXP III
- 2021memorialday2021x – 150 Gems
- Lovetobrazil – 150 Gems
- addnewunitstobannerfix – 150 Gems
- update53021 – 150 Gems, 300 Coins, EXP III
- diamondnowina – 150 Gems
- ohmahgawdskill – 150 Gems
- yellowsix – 150 Gems
- tysmfor1mfavorite – 750 Gems, 750 Gold, EXP III
- smoothcriminal2 – 150 Gems
- jahajha – 150 Gems
- quickshut – 100 Gems
- shotofmemories – 150 Gems
- lieawake – 150 Gems
- likeapartyonthelist – 150 Gems
- freedom – 100 Gems
- 1bvisit1b – 1000 Gems
- 1billionvisit21drip – 200 Gems, 300 Gold
- eastercoda21 – 150 Gems
- helloworld2021 – 150 Gems
- somemorenewcoode – 150 Gems
- isitthenewerayet – 150 Gems
- hchgaming – 150 Gems
- gameon2021 – 500 Gems
- lovetofightastd – 150 Gems
- thisisthenewestcode – 150 Gems
- omgdiscordpopoff – 150 Gems
- codecodeyayhooray – 150 Gems
- 700mil – Gems
- lateupdatendat: 200 Gems
- mytimerchamber: 300 Gems (Private server)
- incredibledayum: Gems
- bigtim: Gems
- likethegamepog2021: EXP III and 200 Gems (Private Server Only)
- updatebelike: 50 Gems
- epicnew: 50 Gems
- pert: 50 Gems
- rainmen: 50 Gems
- liketo320k: 150 Gems
- rwarhappynewyear2k21: 150 Gems
- roadto300kuwu: 150 Gems
- 2k20merrychristmas2k20: 150 Gems
- 2shutdowncode12232000: 150 Gems
- liketo280k: 150 Gems
- likethegamepog: 400 Gems
- 240kearly: 150 Gems
- decemberfun2020: 300 Gems
All Star Tower Defense FAQ
How do I redeem codes in All Star Tower Defense?
To redeem codes in Roblox All Star Tower Defense, follow these steps:
- Launch Roblox All Star Tower Defense on your device
- Tap on the Gear icon on the bottom right corner of the screen
- Find the code redemption box at the bottom of the settings menu
- Enter any working code into the box
- Press enter to enjoy your in-game rewards

How do I get more codes for All Star Tower Defense?
To get more codes for ASTD, you can follow the developers on their social media channels, such as the AllStarTowerDef Twitter. You can also join the ASTD Community Discord server to chat with other players and get codes, updates, and announcements in real-time. We round up codes from all over the internet and bring them to you in one convenient location. Follow along and check back regularly for updates.
What do codes give you in All Star Tower Defense?
Redeeming codes in All Star Tower Defense rewards players with in-game currency like Gems and Gold. These currencies can be used to summon more units and unlock more towers.
That is the complete list of codes for Roblox All Star Tower Defense. Remember to check back soon for more updates and announcements so you don’t miss out on any freebies!
Published: Feb 13, 2025 04:26 am