5 ways to dominate with Echo in Overwatch
5 ways to dominate with Echo in Overwatch

Overwatch Tier List (March 2025)

Who ranks the best-of-the-best?

Overwatch has a diverse group of characters you can play with, and eventually, you’ll find characters that will turn into your main. Whether you’re a Sombra main and like to sneak up on your victims, or a Tracer main, whipping through the arena with swiftness. This tier list is going to showcase who rank in terms of being the best at dominating a battlefield, easy to maneuver around the maps, and who is considered the strongest.

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Overwatch Tier List

Our list is going to emphasize who we believe is the strongest and who is considered a popular character to play. As updates continue spreading through the games, characters get buffs, and that can affect how a player picks their character. At a point in time, Bastion was considered a fun character to play, and then came a fluffy hamster.

S-Tier List

The S-Tier list is for characters who are considered the best-of-the-best. They’re a group that’s easy to use in battle, provides a perfect balance, and can easily work alone in battle without needing support.

  • Mercy – The mother to her comrades in battle. A top favorite when being introduced to healing classes
  • Tracer – Easily can whip around enemies, fun to use, not difficult to learn skills
  • Reaper – Favorite amongst edgy players who enjoy killing multiple enemies at once
  • D.VA- Our favorite tank girl who loves to take selfies and shoot down enemies
  • Hanzo – You can shoot from a distance with his ultimate attack, making enemies die gloriously
  • Moira – A favorite to help bring down enemies and can heal your team
  • McCree – Cowboy McCree, when paired with Tracer, makes a killer duo
  • Wrecking Ball – Hamster on wheels has been strong for months now and is always picked in battle
  • Soldier 76 – Powerful DPS who can heal, sprint, and can deal a ton of damage

A- Tier List

The A-Tier list focuses on characters who still are self-sufficient in battle but require a little more practice to get things right. They can be OP in battle and players still love picking them, so while they could make the S-tier list, they’re just not quite there yet.

  • Sombra – Have to get used to her abilities, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be destroying defenses
  • Ana – She’s a great healer but aiming her sleeping darts is a little tricky
  • Reinhardt – The original tank still holds a high ranking, but due to mobility, it’s harder for some players
  • Genji – If you’re familiar with maps, playing as Genji, is deathly. He can scale anything. He’s also powerful
  • Sigma – Due to recent buffs, Sigma increased his HP and can cause a lot of damage
  • Zarya – A strong tank that has incredible DPS abilities with the ability of her cannons

B- Tier List

As we get further down the list, you will notice a lot of these characters require you to train to use them properly. Some might seem easy to use, however, it’s important to study the map to know which sections you can hide from to evade these deadly characters.

  • Widowmaker – If you’re an OP sniper you’ll have no problem with her. If not, well, practice makes perfect
  • Pharah – Take to the skies and blast away enemies, but one false move, and you can die instantly in the sky
  • Winston – Knowing the map can help when he goes berserk. Mobility is harder to use, but we’re confident you can figure it out
  • Mei – Probably the most divided character in terms of likeness. Players get annoyed when you block them with her ice. Learn how to use her skills before going into battle
  • Ashe – Great at damage but it’s harder to get hits out of her. Use her dynamite for extra damage
  • Baptise – A great support character that can help you heal and give you slight immortality
  • Brigitte – Her buffs help teammates while also being a force to be reckon with. Watch out for her shield

C- Tier List

As stated above, these characters aren’t horrible to play but require some extra training before bringing them into battle. All Overwatch characters are doable when given enough practice time!

  • Orisa – A great tank but has problems getting past shields, hopefully, your team can help out
  • Lucio – Hit or miss on mobility, he’s either really hard to move around or extremely easy. A great healer for passive healing
  • Doomfist – His attacks are only for close combat and if you’re playing against someone who knows what they’re doing, it can be hard to throw a punch
  • Echo – In Overwatch 2, Echo is weaker and is capped at health but can still be useful in battle with her damage count
  • Zenyatta – A harder character to learn in terms of mechanics. Not the best healer, but learn to time attacks, and he can be intimidating
  • Torbjorn – It’s pretty easy to get around Torbjorn’s cannons so be sure to practice with friends to coordinate defenses
  • Cassidy – A hit-or-miss character where you can miss your shot but when hit with his grenade it can do damage on DPS characters

D- Tier List

Overwatch characters deserve all the love for being there for us. It’s important to learn to play all hero types so you can be OP in battle. Even if these aren’t the best picks, you should still learn their moves, so you can learn how to evade them in battle.

  • Junkrat – A once beloved, crazy guy, unfortunately, his traps don’t pin players in anymore. He’s extremely vulnerable but still a fun character when throwing around bombs
  • Symmetra – She’s just not what she used to be in the earlier days. He struggles against snipers, and her mobility makes it harder for newcomers to navigate
  • Roadhog – An easy-to-learn character in terms of mechanics, but due to his size and hit-or-miss hook, he’s not the best character to pick up

That’s our take on Overwatch Tier List. If you want to learn more about the future of Overwatch, be sure to follow our guides and gaming news. Keep up-to-date with the latest gaming articles.

Related: All Maps in the Overwatch 2 Beta

Image of Jazmine Corniel
Jazmine Corniel
Jazmine Corniel has been a freelance writer at Game Journalist since May 2022. She has an AA in journalism and is working towards a degree in digital communications. She has five years of professional writing experience and social media management. Her GJ coverage includes The Sims 4, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rails, and World of Warcraft alongside other live service games. In her free time, you’ll find her playing The Sims 4, voice acting, singing in musicals, and traveling.