Mojang has had a very controversial past couple of years. With update 1.19 being pushed back, split into three parts, and not delivering everything it promised, Mojang needs a win with the next Minecraft 1.20 update. But how are they going to win back the hearts of the people?
The Caves and Cliffs update was, despite the controversy, a large update where they over-promised and under-delivered. Can we expect the same with 1.20? Should we be getting our hopes up and expecting the same ambition? The fans definitely have what they want in mind, and have been very open about what they hope or even expect to be in the next installment of the game.
Confirmed Features for Minecraft 1.20
There has been no released information about the 1.20 update.
However Mojang has previously stated that they plan their updates 3 to 4 updates in advance, so the next installment has been set in stone for a while now. We will update this article as information gets released.
Fan Predictions for Minecraft 1.20
Upcoming Biomes
The fans have been very open about what they want – just look under any YouTube Minecraft news video. The common consensus appears to be biome overhauls, which makes sense considering the huge biome overhauls we have been experiencing for the past few updates, with the Wild Update revamping the swamps, the Caves and Cliffs update completely changing the cave and mountain generation, the Nether Update giving the Nether a much-needed makeover, and the Update Aquatic changing the seas forever.
Given this trend, the fans are now looking towards other neglected biomes they want to see receive a much-needed upgrade.

The most popular biomes of choice appear to be:
- The End
- The Desert
- The Badlands
- The Savannah
The Desert, Badlands, and Savannah were previously up for a vote in the 2019 and 2018 Biome Chooser community votes. Mojang reassured us that the losing biomes in those votes would be implemented in the future, as we have seen through the mountains biome being updated despite losing the 2019 biome vote.
After the first End Update, fans loved the late game biome to explore – the end cities. However, the end still is being criticized for being bland and boring, given the aesthetic and the minimal reasons to be there. However, as aforementioned, Mojang plans their updates years in advance, so when they were planning 1.20, the End Update wouldn’t have been long off the presses, so there is a minimal chance that they would have planned another End Update despite just releasing one.
So, it is unlikely that we will receive another End Update any time soon. Sorry End fans.
The Badlands, the Desert, and the Savannah all share the similar theme of being sun-blasted, hot, barren, and sandy. If Mojang continues the trend of ambitious projects, it would not be surprising if the next update would overhaul all three biomes. This would make strategic sense and would follow trends. They already have concept art for new mobs for all three biomes, as all three biomes featured in the 2019 and 2018 Biome Chooser events.
Potential New Mobs in Minecraft 1.20

Potential mobs for these speculated biomes include:
- Meerkats
- Vultures
- Ostriches
Given that the planning and all the pieces are in place, all Mojang would have to do is, if they decide to take on this huge plan, adequately promise.
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Other preditions
Putting the potential biome aside, what other features might we find coming along with 1.20?
Archaeology was a feature that had already undergone a lot of development and was revealed in the lead-up to the Caves and Cliffs update before it got scrapped as the complications with Caves and Cliffs really started arriving.
It received a lot of bad press, with players commenting on lore implications and the over-powered nature of potentially finding diamond or emerald blocks so early on. If we ever do receive an archaeology update, it will be a much more revised version than we were teased, and it most likely will not have had the time it needs to be delivered in the 1.20 update.

What’s the deal with the Ancient City and that portal-like structure? Fans have speculated since its arrival that it will be the gateway to a new dimension and that the developers are holding off to properly implementing the new dimension and giving it an update of its own.
Game Theory released a video discussing why the structure may not actually ever give us a new dimension, given the lore implications that MatPat and his team are uncovering. However, many fans believe that it is no coincidence that Mojang hired kingbdogz in 2020 as a game developer. This is the same developer that made the aether mod way back in 2011, which added a new dimension to the game. Coincidence? Some people think not.

There will naturally be many other smaller features that will get released that seem insignificant in isolation, such as providing utility to the Fletching Table and the Blacksmith Bench. Which may not be headline features.
Leaks for 1.20
There are currently no leaks for the 1.20 update, but we will update this article as they get released.
There you have it. Keep this page bookmarked so you can keep checking back as more news gets revealed about the Minecraft 1.20 update.
Published: Aug 10, 2022 08:59 am