Minecraft is well known for it’s loveable pets that you can care for on your endless pixel journey. Every few updates players get introduced to new animals that you can interact with, and update 1.20 is no different. Along with new blocks and items, Mojang has finally added camels to Minecraft. While you aren’t able to tame them like cats and wolves, you are able to breed them, and have them follow you using a certain item. Taking a page from real life, players might already have an idea as to what they eat but for some it still might be a mystery. So let’s grab some saddles and answer the question: what do camels eat in Minecraft?
What do Camels eat in Minecraft?

Camels are a rideable mount, allowing you to equip them with a saddle in order to traverse desert distances in style. What makes them different from normal rideable mounts like horses, is the fact that they are taller than your average horse. They spawn naturally in desert villages and can walk over 1.5 block tall obstacles. What’s more, any mobs that are 2 blocks tall or lower cannot harm you while you are riding a camel (except spiders). Just make sure you get them moving before they decide to sit down. Otherwise, you’re gonna have a tough time getting these guys up off the ground. To answer our original question of what do camels eat in Minecraft, you’ll need to feed them cacti. Doing so will allow you to ride and place and saddle on them.
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Conversely, if you hold cacti in your hand next to a camel that’s not sitting down, they will follow you. Once they are following you, and you have at least two camels next to each other, feed them the cacti. This will make them feel all lovey dovey, and they will breed, producing a baby camel. It is always good to remember that even though you aren’t able to tame them, have them as your companions as you brave the desert biome isn’t such a bad trade off. And if you are able to get them into a pen with tall enough walls, you can have your very own camel stables. Very handy if you’re wanting to set your base up in the desert biome.
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Published: Jun 7, 2023 01:23 pm