Mokoko Seeds are green collectibles found on the ground in various regions of Lost Ark. Players can collect Mokoko Seeds and earn rewards for every 50 seeds collected. Some seeds are hidden or locked behind areas that require certain songs or skills to unlock. There are about 888 Mokoko Seeds in the game, so there are plenty to collect to keep you busy.
In this post, we take a look at all the Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest Mokoko Seeds locations. There are nine Mokoko Seeds in Bilbrin Forest, which are all easily accessible if you know exactly where to look. Refer to the section and map below to easily reference all of the Mokoko Seed locations.
Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest
Bilbrin Forest is a tranquil and dense forest that covers the sky, and the residents of this area make a living by hunting. It is also famous for producing excellent archers. Aside from its abundant resources, it’s a good place to collect nine Mokoko Seeds. They are scattered all throughout the area, so you’ll need to venture across the entire zone.
All Mokoko Seed Locations in Bilbrin Forest
There are nine Mokoko Seeds in the Bilbrin Forest region. There are three seeds up north, three in the center, and three in the southern part of the area. Here is a map of all nine locations:

Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest Mokoko Seeds FAQ
How many Mokoko Seeds are there in Bilbrin Forest?
There are nine total Mokoko Seeds available to collect in Bilbrin Forest.
Where is Bilbrin Forest?
Bilbrin Forest is an area found on the continent of West Luterra. It is an early game area you will likely run through to complete quests, collect resources and Mokoko Seeds, slay monsters, and visit the traveling merchants.
For more Mokoko Seed locations and other related content and guides, you can check out our website’s Lost Ark section!
Published: Mar 9, 2022 02:26 am