Lost Ark is a hit MMO Action RPG with a total of five primary classes, each with its own subset of classes. For a beginner, that’s a total of 15 potential classes to choose from, which no doubt can be pretty overwhelming. Luckily we’re here to help you make sense of it all. Here are the best starter classes for a beginner to pick in Lost Ark.
Best Beginner Classes in Lost Ark
There are five primary classes in Lost Ark, The Warrior, Martial Artist, Gunner, Mage, and Assassin. The list below will be ordered from the best to worst beginner classes. Subclasses that stand out within each primary class will also be discussed. There are multiple criteria when choosing a good class for a beginner, but we focus primarily on ease of play and survivability. New players tend to die a lot, and a starter class needs to have some sustainability, or else you will quickly start to hate the game. Let’s dive in.
Warrior – Great

The warrior is the best beginner class, in our opinion. There are three subclasses, Berserker, Paladin, and Gunlancer, all great choices. This class is relatively simple to play, and because all of the subclasses are tanky, it’s very forgiving to new players. We would pick the Gunlancer as the best beginner Warrior class, followed by the Berserker and finally the Paladin. The Gunlancer is superbly tanky and a lot of fun to play, while the Berserker is probably the most straightforward class in the game. The Paladin has a bit more mechanics to it but is a great choice that scales well into the end game.
Mage – Good

The Mage is surprisingly a pretty good beginner class in Lost Ark. Both of the subclasses, the Bard and the Summoner, are good choices if you’re just starting out in the game. The Bard is the primary healing class in the game, giving you some nice survivability. The Summoner will have you use pets to do your fighting for you, leaving a decent room for error while you learn. If you prefer to play a ranged character, this might be the class for you.
Martial Artist – Good

The Martial Artist is a good alternative if playing a Warrior or Mage isn’t your style. The Martial Artist has three subclasses, the Wardancer, Scrapper, Soulfist. Out of the three, we would recommend the Wardancer. It’s easy enough to play and has some good utility. Avoid the Soulfist as a beginner, and the Scrapper is sort of caught in-between.
Assassins – Ok

The Assassins are starting to get into the more formidable side of things. Out of the two sub-classes, Shadowhunter and Deathblade, we would definitely choose the Shadowhunter as the starter class. The Shadowhunter will give you some decent health regen and a powerful demonic transformation.
Gunner – Avoid

In our opinion, you should avoid the Gunner class if you are a beginner in Lost Ark. The Gunner class has four subclasses, Gunslinger, Artillerist, Deadeye, and Sharpshooter. These classes are squishy, leaving you very little room for error. However, if playing ranged DPS is your thing, we would recommend the Artillerist as a starting class for its tankyness at the expense of having slow moves.
There you have it, our list for the best beginner classes in Lost Ark. We hope you found this guide helpful and you enjoy the start of your Lost Ark journey. If you have a good case for why a class should be higher on the list, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Published: Feb 8, 2022 04:45 am