Waiting for new updates for your favorite multiplayer games can be a very mixed bag. There might be times where there isn’t much attached to the update in terms of new content. Quite the opposite of that, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s 10.0.7 update has brought a considerable amount of content for players to enjoy. After completing the introduction questline to the Forbidden Reach, you’ll be granted access to a brand new area unique to your character. This area will have treasured of untold value, but you’ll need a few things before you can start looting. Let’s take flight and figure out how to unlock Primordial Arcane cache in WoW: Dragonflight.
How to Unlock Primordial Arcane Cache in WoW: Dragonflight

The Primordial Arcane cache is located within a new area of the Forbidden Reach. This area is called the Zserka Vault. As stated above, the vault is comprised of randomized rooms, that is unique to each character. Meaning no ones vault layout will be the same.
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Finding the Primordial Arcane cache could prove fairly difficult, but unlocking it might be harder. The chest is located within one of the vaults in Zserka Vault. Once you have found the chest, you’ll notice it’s surrounded by a crystal with an eye above it. If you walk into the circle you will begin to take arcane damage. This is where another room in the vault will come in handy. You will need to unlock a few vaults in order to find the room with the blue crystal in it. Once you find it, interacting with the crystal will give your character the Reflective Arcane Ward buff. With this buff applied, return to the room with the cache and you will be able to enter the circle and unlock the chest. In there you will find some Elemental Overflow, and a random Primordial stone.
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Published: Mar 23, 2023 12:41 pm