Image via Square Enix

How to Unlock Missable Missions in Crisis Core Reunion

Don't fear the missable.

Final Fantasy games, along with the RPG genre in general, are known to not only have a straight line of main story missions, but also they also feature side missions that will bring more lore, character development and secret unveiling to the mix. And of course, one of the most celebrated game series of all time, the Final Fantasy VII series, is filled with those. Furthermore, in the case of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, some of those missions are called missable missions. We will expand upon them later, but you can have a clear idea of their nature by just reading their name. But anyway, here is how to unlock missable missions in Crisis Core Reunion.

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How to Unlock Missable Missions

There are a total of 16 missable missions in Crisis Core Reunion. Be sure to locate them, unlock them, and complete them before you start Chapter 8. Otherwise, they will be forever gone, and you will never get to play through those missions. Therefore, their “missable” adjective. For that reason, we have compiled all requirements, chapter placement and rewards in the following list. Here is how to unlock missable missions in Crisis Core Reunion:

ChapterNameRewardHow to Unlock
3Challenge from SecurityShinra AlphaSpeak to the Shinra Security Captain during Chapter 2 at Loveless Ave.
4BeginningsPoisonTallk to the man at the top of the stairs about Shinra during Chapter 3 in Sector 8.
4Approaching the OutskirtsFire ArmletSpeak to the Employee during Chapter 3 at Loveless Ave.
4SPR Mako StoneSPR Mako StoneSpeak to the Researcher during Chapter 2 in the Materia Room.
5Sightings in Sector 5Phoenix DownSpeak to the girl at the slums during Chapter 4 at Sector 5.
5Defend the SlumsFire RingSpeak to the girl at the slums during Chapter 5 at Sector 5.
5Freight RecallHeadbandSpeak to the Soldier during Chapter 3 at the Briefing Room.
6Highway ClosedSPR UpSpeak to the Soldier during Chapter 5 at the Shinra Building.
6Truth in the WastelandIce RingSpeak to the Researcher at Shinra’s Building Exhibit Room after completing Beginning, Approaching the Outskirts, Sightings in Sector 5, Defend the Slums and Highway Closed missable missions.
6Defeat the Scout UnitsPoison TwisterLocate the first Wutai Spy during Chapter 5 at Loveless Ave.
6Obliterate Advance ElementsSystem ShockLocate the second Wutai Spy during Chapter 5 at the slums market of Sector 5.
6Foes in the Wutai BasePower WristLocate the third Wutai Spy during Chapter 5 at Shinra Building.
6Mobile UnitsDiamond BraceletLocate the fourth Wutai Spy during Chapter 5 at the fountain of Sector 8.
6The Enemy’s StrongholdDeathLocate the fifth Wutai Spy during Chapter 5 at Shinra’s Building Exhibit Room.
6Stop the AssailantsMountain Chocobo ArmletLocate the sixth Wutai Spy during Chapter 5 at the slums park of Sector 5.
6Slum Development Plan 12 Fat Chocobo Feathers, Sector 8 – Materia ShopSpeak to the City Planning Director during Chapter 5 at the Shinra Building.

Related: Crisis Core Reunion — How to Get the Mug Materia

Now that you know how to unlock them, don’t miss the missable missions in Crisis Core Reunion. Like I said, avoid Chapter 8 at all costs unless you really wish to, or you have completed all 16 missable missions. Eventually, you will find that the rewards are great, and you will benefit a lot from them. Anyway, good luck on not missing the missable!

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is available on Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on How to Get Blast Wave in Crisis Core Reunion and How To Unlock The Odin Summon In Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion.

Image of Alejandro Josan
Alejandro Josan
A musician with a heart of a gamer, Alejandro's life has always been accompanied by adventures on Nintendo platformers, countless hours of fantasy RPGs and several third-party FPSs. Currently, he is studying Game Design and Development, preparing for a long career in the video game industry.