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Image via Wishfully

How to Solve Music Puzzle (Pipe Puzzle) in Planet of Lana

You don't need to have a rhythm to solve this Music puzzle.

While roaming through the Planet of Lana you will be solving many puzzles. You can say that the game itself is one big puzzle that you need to resolve with the help of cute little Mui. By using both Mui and Lana individually you will tackle many brain teasers that will often require 100% of your focus.

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One of the more challenging puzzles that has a lot of players stuck is the Pipe puzzle or the puzzle where you need to create the right music in order to progress further. Keep reading for a detailed explanation of how you can solve the Music puzzle in PLanet of Lana without breaking a sweat.

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How to Complete the Music Puzzle in Planet of Lana

The first thing you should know about the Music puzzle is that it isn’t as difficult as it might first seem to be. The key is in finding the right clues that will unlock the solution for you. Having said that we will first point you to the clues themselves and then in the next paragraph give you the complete correct solution if you don’t mind the spoilers and just wish to complete the puzzle as soon as possible.

Finding Clues for the Music Puzzle

Before you reach the clearance where the big pipe system (the Music puzzle) is that you need to interact with, you will encounter a room with a big wall filled with drawings. Look carefully at the top left and bottom right corners of the wall and you will see that they give you the first two hints at the slider positions.

Now, proceed to the part of the cave where you see the big Music puzzle. Climb on the stones to the left until you reach a spot where you get to trigger a light. Jump down to the Music puzzle and above you, you will see that 3rd clue for the Pipe puzzle has been revealed by the light you turned on earlier.

Lastly, go to the bottom part of the Music puzzle and move the cart you see there. Behind it, you will see the 4th and the final clue for the pipe slider position, and now you can resolve your puzzle.

Since all of the sliders on the Music puzzle that you need to move have a unique look, you will have no problem identifying which drawing is pointing out to which slider.

The Solution for the Music Puzzle

The final position of all sliders on the Music puzzle should look like this:

Screenshot via Wishfully

After you have put all the sliders in the correct position you need to jump on the rope that is on the right-hand side of the puzzle and pull on it. A melody will play, and the door will unlock so you can progress further.

We hope you found our article helpful. For more puzzle games see our articles Timelie Is a Time-Bending Stealth Puzzle Game You Can’t Go Wrong With and How to Play Humanity – All Platforms, Game Modes, and More. Join us on Facebook and make sure you don’t miss any updates or news from the latest trending games.

Image of Đorđe Ivanović
Đorđe Ivanović
Đorđe Ivanović (Djordje Ivanovic) is Managing Editor of Gamer Journalist and has been with the site since 2022. He has a BA in Journalism and five years of professional writing experience behind him, with a recent personal focus on gaming and technology niches. His GJ coverage includes WWII games, puzzle games, Path of Exile, Overwatch and other live service games. In his free time, you will find this adamant fan of Dota solving some sort of escape room games, and getting familiar with board gaming.