Title screen cover of Marvel Snap
Image Via Nuverse

How to Play Unranked in Marvel Snap? Answered

A More Casual Snap

Marvel Snap is the free-to-play Digital Card Game featuring Marvel characters that have quickly gained popularity. After officially coming out of closed beta, it exploded with millions of people downloading it in the first few days of launch. The game has players compete to control zones by having the highest power at the end of the game. Each game consists of six rounds with a new location opening up during the first couple of rounds. The locations have their own rule set, such as each player can only play one card at that location, and are randomly generated.

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During the match, players can wager more Cosmic Cubes on the outcome. Getting these increases your level for the season, which grants you rewards at milestones up to level 100. While this adds an extra layer to the strategy and greater stakes, it can be too much for newer players. Sometimes, people just want to play the game without worrying about their rank or betting cubes in order to level up and get rewards.

Can You Play Unranked in Marvel Snap?

While ranked offers progression, unranked is a casual mode where you can play against opponents without losing or gaining ranking. It’s a system employed by many DCG to allow new players to dip their toes into facing real opponents or for experienced players to test out the new card or deck combos.

While players may be looking for casual bouts, there is no way to play unranked matches in Marvel Snap.

Related: How Variants Work in Marvel Snap

Will There Be An Unranked Mode?

Yes! The roadmap posted during the October 2022 Developer Update shows that an unranked mode is currently in the works along with a few other goodies. Unranked is a highly requested feature from players and the developers have taken note.

Image via Nuverse/Marvel Snap YouTube