The most enjoyable thing about playing a D&D game, is the fact that players have the ability to act in any way they please. There’s no requirements for acting a certain way or performing a certain task. And in Baldur’s Gate 3, Larian Studios does a fantastic job of giving players this feeling. Focusing on combat functions in the game, not every fight has to end with a bloodied or bone pile around you. There is a way for players to incapacitate their foes by dealing just enough damage where the lose consciousness. One must take great caution however, as this feature is not something that is easy to spot if you are unaware. So let’s commence the battle and figure out how to knock someone out in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3).
How to Knock Someone Out in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

In order to knock someone out in BG3, you’ll need to attack enemies with non-lethal damage. At any time during the game, players are able to toggle the option to use non-lethal attacks from their hotbars. BG3 beautifully creates a mishmash of your hotbars when first starting a playthrough, allowing you to view a wide variety of your actions. While players can decide to create a custom hotbar with their own layout of skills and items, there will always be categories for players to see all of a certain type of action below their hotbar. You can choose between seeing common, class, item, passive, and custom hotbars all at the click of a button.
Related: How Many Companions Are There in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Select the passive menu under your hotbar, and there will be an option to toggle non-lethal attacks. This can come in very handy if you are fighting someone that is important to a quest, or you’d rather not have their death on your conscience. There are a few caveats to this function however. You may only use non-lethal attacks in BG3 if you are unarmed or are using a melee weapon. This means that any ranged attacks will not count as non-lethal, and will still kill regardless if you have the optioned toggled on or off. It should also be stated that you cannot knock out constructs or the undead. Which should make a bit of sense, as undead can’t sleep, and constructs don’t have a head.
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Published: Aug 5, 2023 04:39 am