The start of Chapter 2 Season 6 in Fortnite came with some radically new features. The map is now riddled with various animals and critters for you to hunt. Hunting these new animals will provide you with crafting materials to use in the new craft system Fortnite has introduced. One of your first quests will be from Tarana where she will ask you to “Hunt Wildlife.” Let’s take a look at how to hunt wildlife in Fortnite.
How to Hunt Wild Life in Fortnite
There is not much to the new hunting mechanic in Fortnite. Animals can simply be shot just like players and some of the other NPCs. Once you finish off an animal, it will drop you some crafting materials. From most animals, you will get meat and also animal bones. Both of these items will allow you to craft items like the Hunters Cloak, but you can also eat the meat to regain health.

Finding the wildlife is pretty straightforward. You will be able to find various forms of wildlife, including wolves, wild boars, frogs, and chickens. They are scattered all over the map. The more heavily wooded areas tend to have more of them, so head over to places like the northern area above Slurpy Swamps.

Be careful with hunting wolves, they roll in packs, so if you attack one, they will come after you. The rest of the wildlife is pretty benign. Most will run from you when you start shooting, so prepare for some target practice.
That’s really all there is to it. Now you know how to hunt wildlife in Fortnite. We’re sure you will be pro hunters in no time! Happy hunting out there and make sure to check out the rest of the Chapter 2 Season 6 quest guides if you find yourself getting stuck.
Published: Mar 16, 2021 06:23 pm