grounded bow and arrow spider
Image via Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios

How to Get Thistle Needles in Grounded

Show those bugs your point.

I despise pointy plants. I’m just trying to walk around in the grass when some wise-guy plant has to go shoving its pointy parts into me. So rude. Of course, I’m not two inches tall. If I were in such a situation, maybe I’d be more enthused by the prospect of stumbling onto pointy plants. Here’s how to get Thistle Needles in Grounded.

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How to Get Thistle Needles in Grounded

Thistle Needles are a common natural resource in Grounded. Since handheld point objects aren’t exactly plentiful at that size, these little pokers can be quite the valuable material. Their first and foremost application is in the creation of arrows, which is vital for defending yourself from larger predatory insects at a safe distance. Additionally, Thistle Needles can be used to craft various kinds of cosmetic fencing, the Spike Strip trap, the Spiky Sprig melee weapon, and the Broodmother BLT bait.

Related: How to Get Boiling Gland in Grounded

As the name probably tipped you off, Thistle Needles can be sourced from Thistle Plants. These tall plants have stems that are completely covered in Needles and are topped off by a distinctively pointy purple flower bud.

Hope You’re Not Squeamish

grounded thistle plant
Image via Obsidian Entertainment/Xbox Game Studios

Thistle Plants can be found in relatively plentiful numbers in the following biomes:

  • The Flowerbed
  • The Grasslands
  • The Upper Grasslands
  • The Western Flooded Zone
  • The Eastern Flooded Zone

Whenever you find a Thistle Plant, you should see the Thistle Needles sticking right out of its stem. You don’t need any special equipment, you can just walk right up and pluck them off the stem with the interact button. The only catch is that you can only gather a small handful of Thistle Needles at ground level. The entire length of the stem can hold around 70 Thistle Needles at once, so if you want all of them, you’ll need to jump up its leaves to skim the whole thing.

Be careful while you’re climbing, as mosquitos may occasionally be resting in the flower at the top of a Thistle Plant. If the flower’s empty, though, you can use it as a hiding spot, which is good, as some Thistle Plants are uncomfortably close to predator homes like spider webs.

Once you’ve got a bunch of Thistle Needles, you can start crafting arrows! 5 Thistle Needles and 2 bits of Mite Fuzz gets you a pack of 10 arrows, so gather up all the Thistle Needles you can!

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.