How to get the Gorilla and the Fist Achievement in BitLife

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

There are dozens of achievements to complete in BitLife, the life-simulator game from Candywriter. Achievements are split into different categories like wealth, fame, social media, longevity, animals, career, and more. If you aim to complete all of them, you will run across some that are a bit challenging. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get the Gorilla and the Fist achievement in BitLife.

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How to get the Gorilla and the Fist Achievement in BitLife

To complete the Gorilla and the Fist achievement in BitLife, you’ll need to get decapitated by a gorilla. First, you’ll need to buy yourself a gorilla! Head into the Activities tab in BitLife, and then go to Pets. You’ll see a few options like Animal Shelter, Breeders, Exotic Pet Dealer, Horse Ranch, and Pet Store within the pets menu. The choice to pick here is the Exotic Pet Dealer

From the Exotic Pet Dealer menu, you’ll see a long list of exotic animals to select. Browse through the menu, and look for a gorilla option. There is a low chance that this option is there, so you may need to restart your application and try browsing the selection again. Repeat this process as many times as you need to until you see a gorilla. You may have a higher chance to get them if you live in Rwanda, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and other central and western Africa countries.

Gorillas are not cheap pets by any means. The initial purchase price will be around $40,000 to $50,000, and the monthly expenses will be anywhere from $3,000 to $4,000. It’s a good idea to make sure you have a lot of money in the bank or a high-paying job before buying your very own gorilla. 

After you have your gorilla, you can go into your Relationships menu and tap on your new pet. Make sure to do activities like Bathe and Walk, but be sure not to become too friendly. Eventually, you will see a notification that your gorilla mauled you.

How to get the Gorilla and the Fist Achievement in BitLife

The goal is to get your gorilla to maul you enough until you die. Depending on your health, this could take a few tries. After your primate kills you, check the achievements tab to confirm you have a check next to Gorilla and the Fist.
