With some weeks of Lightfall experience, players continue to discover new and challenging content that will bring forth brand-new weapons and experiences. However, many haven’t noticed how this expansion treats past content and incorporates it for new and veteran players alike. This is the case of the Arbalest Exotic Rifle, which has received a revamped method of unlocking. Continue reading to know how to get the Arbalest Exotic Fusion Rifle and Catalyst in Destiny 2 Lightfall.
How to Get Arbalest Exotic Fusion Rifle and Catalyst
Unlocking Exotics is not an easy task, but thanks to the new Lightfall expansion, Destiny 2 has now given players the opportunity to get a beloved Exotic Fusion Rifle from the past in a new more streamlined way. Yes, we will get to do some questing in order to unlock this weapon instead of spending lots of resources. So, if you want to get the Arbalest Fusion Rifle and Catalyst, be sure to visit Shaw Han at the Cosmodrome and speak to him to get the “Another Last City” quest, which will consist of 7 individual quests you will have to complete.

Another Last City Objectives
- Get 100 kills anywhere in the galaxy. Guardians will grant additional progress.
- Defeat 50 enemies with your super, anywhere.
- Complete the “A Guardian Rises” introductory story mission while the schematic finishes processing data. This will introduce you to basic Destiny 2 mission templates, Lost Sectors, Bounties, and Exotics. It is pretty straightforward, just complete each mission’s objective. If you are a veteran guardian, you will skip this step and the schematic will process immediately.
- Go to Banshee-44 at the Tower Courtyard and bring him the schematic.
- Defeat 100 combatants and complete 3 public events in Neomuna.
- Defeat 150 foes with any Fusion Rifle or Linear Fusion Rifle. Guardians will grant additional progress.
- Go to the Tower Courtyard and deliver the complete schematic, once again, to Banshee-44.
How to Unlock Arbalest Catalyst
Once you get the Arbalest Exotic Rifle, you will be able to earn the Catalyst by completing and playing all of the game’s modes available. The catalyst will be a random reward that will drop once you complete each of these game modes. For example, after completing Crucible, you can possibly earn the Catalyst. Just make sure to use your Arbalest Rifle and you will get it eventually.

Related: Destiny 2 Lightfall: How to Get the Quicksilver Storm Exotic Auto Rifle
As you can see, if you want to get your Arbalest Rifle and Catalyst, be sure to rank up those kills. Getting rid of extraterrestrial life to get an item that you will possibly replace in the mid-term surely sounds decent and justified. Go ahead and complete this 7-step mission and you will be good to go. Good luck!
Destiny 2 is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out our guides on How to Complete ‘Awaken, Queensguard’ Quest in Destiny 2 Lightfall or Destiny 2 Lightfall: How to Get Weapon Mods.
Published: Mar 13, 2023 04:05 pm