Finding Nemo Challenge BitLife

How to Complete the Finding Nemo Challenge in Bitlife

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

Just keep swimming. It’s another weekend, which means time for another BitLife Challenge. This week’s challenge revolves around the popular Pixar film, Finding Nemo. If you know the plot of the movie, this one should make sense to you. Below you can find a complete list of the challenge requirements and a written guide for completing the Finding Nemo Challenge in BitLife.

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How to Complete the Finding Nemo Challenge in BitLife

  • Live in Sydney
  • Become a dentist
  • Release a goldfish
  • Have a daughter named Darla
  • Take a boat to sea

Live in Sydney

You may want to create a new life to complete this challenge, as the first step is to live in Sydney. You can pick either gender at birth, but make sure to select Sydney, Australia, as your birthplace. You can also move there later on in life if you prefer.

Nemo is originally placed in a fish tank at a dentist’s office, where he meets the Tank Gang. We’ll have to do the same for this BitLife challenge. 

Become a Dentist

Next, you’ll want to become a dentist as your career choice. Ensure your intelligence is somewhere between 80 to 100% because being any doctor requires some smarts. Study in school as you continue aging up, and make sure you get good grades. 

After you graduate high school, study Biology at University. You may not see that option, so you can restart your app or age up a year and check again if this is the case. Apply for a scholarship, or ask your parents to pay for tuition. Graduate from University by getting good grades and studying hard. After college, you can apply for Dental School, but you must have high enough intelligence.

Once you make it to Dental School, age up until you graduate. After graduation, go into the Jobs section and look for the best paying dentist job. Work harder every year to increase your pay because you’ll need some money to buy a boat eventually. 

Release a Goldfish

Anytime during your life, you can head into the Pets section and go to the Pet Store. Look for the option to buy a Goldfish, and be sure to restart your app or age up a year if you don’t see it on the list. After purchasing a goldfish, you can go into the pet options and release it.

Have a Daughter Named Darla

Next, you’ll have to get married and have a daughter named Darla. You can do this in various ways, but we prefer to start a relationship, get married, and have a child that way. Continue having children until you have a daughter, and then name her Darla.

Take a boat to sea

At this point, you should have plenty of money from your gig as a Dentist. Go into Activities, and then choose the Licences option. Take the test to get a boating license. After that’s done, you can go into your assets and select Go Shopping. Go to any dealer that sells boats (such as a Yacht Dealer), and buy any boat you can afford. You can then take your boat for a ride by clicking on it from the Assets menu.
