One of the early LenTalk research tasks from Professor Mirror involves finding Grookey and waiting for a special photo opportunity. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a surefire way to complete it. So, if you’re having trouble or just want to get through this one as quickly as possible, continue reading below. Here’s how to complete One-Hand Freeze in New Pokemon Snap.
The LenTalk request reads, “watch Grookey in the nature park carefully. Every now and then, it does something that I think you’ll get a kick out of.”
How to Complete One-Hand Freeze in New Pokemon Snap
To complete One-Hand Freeze in New Pokemon Snap, you’ll need to head to the Florio Nature Park (Day) level on Research Level 3. Make sure you have the Melody, and Illumina Orbs unlocked for this one. We’re going to be looking for a Grookey in some tall grass. The problem is that Grookey is really tired, so we need to wake him up and then wait for it to strike a special pose.
Load into the level, and wait until you’re at about mid-way through the level. You want to be at the part where you pass the scorched fruit, and the Ducklett and the Swanna fly by. The big pond should be on your right. Pay attention to the left side of the path, and you should see some tall grass with a sleeping Pichu and Grookey. We want to wake up Grokoey as fast as possible, which entails bothering him with scans, Illumina Orbs, and music.

You should continuously be hurling Illumina Orbs at Grookey while scanning and playing music simultaneously. Grookey must wake up as quickly as possible, or he will strike the pose far too late, causing you to miss the photo opportunity. As a rule of thumb, Grookey should be awake before you ride past its location. Keep your eye on it, and wait for the handstand pose. When you see it happen, snap a few photos so you can get a good one.
I’ve yet to get a high-quality photo with this method, but all we care about here is completing the LenTalk request. Well, that’s how you complete it. Good luck, and I hope this helps!
Feel free to follow along with this video if you’re at all unsure of where to find Grookey.
Published: May 1, 2021 12:26 am