Is it just me, or does the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library exist only to be traversed by brave youths? As opposed to things you’d normally do in a library, like reading? I’m just saying, maybe they should start calling it the “spooky mystery section” instead. Though, speaking of mysteries, here’s how to complete the “Discover the Secret of the Antechamber” quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Complete ‘Discover the Secret of the Antechamber’ Quest – Hogwarts Legacy Guide
After you delve into the Restricted Section in the main quest of Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll eventually find your way into a series of mysterious catacombs. At the end of these catacombs is a particular book you’re looking for, but to get it, you’ll need to solve the puzzle of the antechamber in which it’s stored.
Related: How to Complete Welcome to Hogwarts Quest in Hogwarts Legacy – Walkthrough
Before that, though, you’ll need to get through a quick scrape with two Pensieve Sentinels, living armor that’s guarding the antechamber. These guys aren’t too much trouble; just wait until they try to throw their weapons at you, then pelt them with a few Basic Casts, topped off with an Incendio for good measure. If they’re waiting for their weapons to return, you can also drag them to you with Accio to make them vulnerable for a bit longer.
Solving the Puzzle

Once the peanut gallery has been dealt with, it’s time to solve some puzzles. Look above the door on the far side of the room for the big silver thing. Flick a Basic Cast at the silver thing to activate it, bringing a bridge up from the depths. Get ready to run as soon as the bridge comes up because it’ll quickly drop back down after. Get as close to the door as you can as the bridge starts collapsing, then take a running leap to clear the gap.
The next room has another door with a silver thing, as well as a partially extended bridge. Flick another Basic Cast at the silver thing, and the bridge will retract from the door and extend toward you. This time, you can’t clear the gap by running; instead, stand on the edge of the bridge and activate the silver thing again to restore the bridge to how it was, with the far side connected. Don’t stand too far back, or you’ll fall off.
The last room has some more Pensieve Sentinels to deal with, as well as a Pensieve Sentry, which can perform a stomping attack. Same idea as the last fight, just smack ’em around after they throw their weapons, and move out of the way when the Sentry telegraphs its stomp. Once they’re dealt with, enter the final chamber and claim the mysterious book. This is why most libraries just use card catalogs, they’re a lot simpler.
If you still hunger for information on Hogwarts Legacy, check out our Q&A guides on whether you can change your name and whether you can switch Houses. Visit our Facebook page as well for more news and guides.
Published: Feb 9, 2023 12:41 pm