Several situations and instances will require you to adapt yourself in order to survive. I mean, wearing hundreds of pounds worth of armor while trying to swim? That’s a big no. Using a single hand gun against a kaiju? That’s a bigger no. Eating cereal without milk? You monster. Anyway, you will need to use your wits and expertise to survive in this game, and this mechanic is a part of it. Here is how to change ammo type in Sons Of The Forest.
How to Change Ammo Type in Sons Of The Forest
How to Change Shotgun Shells
Whether you got the most powerful weapon in the world and the best and highest caliber ammunition, you will want to make the best out of the situation. Sometimes, you just need a show to warn other enemies from getting close. Other times, you require some ammo that will incapacitate your objective. Well, in the case of Sons of the Forest, you will have two options for ammo. That is Slug ammo and Buckshot ammo.
If you don’t see the difference, basically, Buckshot means a lot of small pellets firing from your barrel, while Slug is a single, bigger projectile. The first deals with enemies at a smaller range, while the former at a larger one. So you will want to change ammo as the situation changes, right? Right.
So, in order to change ammo types in Sons of the Forest you will have to do a lot of things that will test your might, intelligence, skill, and patience. Well, not really. In fact, all you need to do is, while holding your shotgun, look down, and you will see an icon with the R key beneath it. Press R and you will cycle between your available ammo.
How to Change Arrows
The same thing applies to bows. You will have carbon-fiber arrows, crafted and stone arrows, and 3D printed arrows. The same thing as before, just look down and press R when prompted with the key to cycle between the available arrows you have in your inventory.
Related: How to Get Shotgun in Sons of the Forest
And well, that’s pretty much what you need to do! It isn’t quite a complicated thing really, after all, you are just pressing a key. What I do think about it is that it is ingenious. I mean, of course you are going to look down when changing ammo, so it makes perfect sense. It is the thing that makes most sense, considering the mutants and cannibals. Anyway, good luck using your ammo.
Sons of the Forest is available on Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on How the Inventory Works in Sons of the Forest – Guide or Where to Find the Pistol in Sons of the Forest.
Published: Mar 1, 2023 05:35 pm