How to buy an Equestrian Property in BitLife

How to buy an Equestrian Property in BitLife

Ever dream of owning a horse ranch? Well, in the life simulation game that is BitLife, anything is possible. You’re going to need to be well-off before you can think about buying one, but the sky is the limit in this game. So, whether you’re a royal, hit the lottery, or just filthy stinkin’ rich, here’s how to buy an Equestrian Property in BitLife.

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How to buy an Equestrian Property in BitLife

  1. Tap on Assets.
  2. Click on Go Shopping.
  3. Scroll down to Real Estate Brokers.
  4. Select a broker and look for Equestrian Property.
  5. Buy it with cash or apply for a mortgage.

Buying and owning an Equestrian property is like owning any other piece of property in BitLife. You can access it through the Real Estate Brokers section of the shopping tab. However, one thing to note is that these are pretty rare and don’t always show up on the list. There are some tricks you can try to force it to show up, though.

If you don’t see an Equestrian Property on the list, you can try to age up one year to check again or restart BitLife. When you age up a year, you should see completely new listings from the Real Estate Brokers. Restarting the app has the same effect, so you can try either of these options until you finally find the property you’re aiming to buy.

BitLife Equestrian Property Listing

Equestrian properties are not cheap by any means, and they’ll usually be well over $1,000,000. That’s not including the monthly expenses, the cost to repair it over time, and the monthly mortgage cost if you get one. They are quite spacious, though, and if you’re looking to buy a horse or ten, this is a go-to option. So, when you strike it rich or work your way up to a high-paying career, that’s how to buy an Equestrian Property in BitLife.
