I know nothing about surviving in the wild. I mean, the only knowledge I got is through survival games, and I don’t usually play those, some I’m doubly useless. Buy hey, starting a fire is something even I can do, and that’s saying much. With the sequel of The Forest already up for us to play, we will have to survive many things, and survive the freeze is one of those. Here is how to build a fire in Sons of the Forest.
How to Build a Fire in Sons of the Forest
Being able to build a fire in Sons of the Forest is what puts the survival in survival horror. Yes, you get to fight very creepy creatures, but you also need somewhere to sleep, something to eat, and something to keep you warm. And what can be warmer than fire? Well, many things, but you get what I mean. Building a basic fire will be essential for your early survival, and it doesn’t take a genius to know how to build one. And that’s why they told me to write this, I’m no genius.
Getting the Necessary Materials
To build a basic fire, you will need a couple of sticks and a lighter. The latter is already given to you through the emergency. You can get some sticks anywhere in the woods and in the beach, just look around the ground. If you are struggling to find them, you can use an axe to bring down some small, yielding some sticks for you to collect. Then, find a place to build the fire and press I, click on the sticks to equip them, look down to the place the fire will be built, and then click again to snap them and put them in place. Use as many sticks as you want. The more sticks you use, the more the fire will last. Press L to equip the lighter and press E to light the fire on. Welcome the warmth back to your body.

Related: How to Get Virginia as a Companion in Sons of the Forest – Guide
And that’s pretty much it! Quite a simple way to create some fire to keep you from freezing in the wild. This is one of the most basic builds you will be able to do in the game, but it is really helpful to start crafting your own things in Sons of the Forest to keep you alive. Good luck surviving the survival horror.
Sons of the Forest is available on Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on What is the Co-Op Limit in Sons of the Forest? Answered or Can Sons of the Forest Run on a Steam Deck?.
Published: Feb 23, 2023 04:46 pm