Fortnite Damaged Telescopes

Where to repair damaged telescopes in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6

We’re here in the last few weeks of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6, and we have some new epic quests to work through. One of these quests is to repair some damaged telescopes all around Fortnite island. It sounds easy, but you’ll need to know where to look. There’s a good chance you don’t have all the telescope spots memorized, but props to you if you do. Here’s our guide on where to repair damaged telescopes in Fortnite, including all locations.

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Where to repair damaged telescopes in Fortnite

Here are the damaged telescope locations in Fortnite:

  1. Retail Row
  2. East of Craggy Cliffs
  3. Northwest of Dirty Docks
  4. West of Misty Meadows
  5. Shipwreck Cove
  6. West of Sweaty Sands
  7. Lighthouse
Where to repair damaged telescopes in Fortnite Map
Image: GamerJournalist via Fortnite

You will need twenty metal scraps to repair each telescope, so you may want to load into Team Rumble to knock this quest out. Every player spawns with 150 metal in Team Rumble, so you can easily repair all five required damage telescopes without collecting a single resource.

To repair the damaged telescopes, you’ll need to make sure you have the twenty required metal and then walk over to the telescope and interact with it. Again, you need to repair five telescopes in total to complete this epic quest. Like other epic quests, you’ll receive 24,000 XP on completion.

Image of Frank Greenberg
Frank Greenberg
Frank is a real variety gamer. He enjoys battle royales, even though they are getting stale. Some of his favorite titles are Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Call of Duty.