Fortnite Omni Chips Locations at Condo Canyon, Daily Bugle, and Windbreakers

Fortnite Omni Chips Locations at Condo Canyon, Daily Bugle, and Windbreakers

All nine Omni Chips locations for Week 4.

It’s week four in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2, so it’s time for some more quests! Players who are looking to collect all the Omni Chips to change the appearance of their Omni Sword have some things to get done. The Fortnite Omni Chips locations are at Condo Canyon, Daily Bugle, and Windbreakers. If you want the exact locations, check out the guide below.

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Fortnite Omni Chips Locations Chapter 3 Season 2 Week 4

There are three quests to complete this week to collect Omni Chips:

Players can easily find three Omni Chips at each of these three locations, for nine in total. We have an easy-to-follow map for each area listed below that you can reference if you need some help.

Collect Omni Chips at Condo Canyon

Starting at Condo Canyon, there are three Omni Chips to collect at the following locations:

  1. Middle of the Plaza on a rock
  2. Next to the Cold vending machine
  3. In the middle of the pool

First, land on the west side of town. There’s a small plaza in between three buildings, and that’s where you’ll find the first Omni Chip. Next, make your way east toward the parking lot. There’s another Chip by the vending machine. Finally, find the pool (open your map), and you’ll see the third Omni Chip by the palm tree in the middle.

Fortnite Omni Chips Locations - Condo Canyon

Collect Omni Chips at Daily Bugle

Daily Bugle is one of the main points of interest in the northeast part of Fortnite island. Here are the Omni Chips locations at Daily Bugle:

  1. Roof of the Daily Bugle building
  2. Inside McGuffins
  3. Next to the Zipline

Start by landing on top of the big Daily Bugle building. You’ll find the first Omni Chip on the roof next to some of the vents. Next, you can hop off onto a spider web to catch some air and make your way to McGuffins in the northeast part of town. The second Omni Chip is inside the front door to the left. The final Omni Chip is on a rock by the zipline in the southern part of town.

Fortnite Omni Chips Locations - Daily Bugle

Collect Omni Chips at Windbreakers

Windbreakers is an island off the southwestern coast of the main Fortnite island. There are three Omni Chip locations here, at the following spots:

  1. Base of the zipline
  2. On the zipline
  3. Top of the zipline tower

Starting from east to west, you’ll want to start next to the eastern coast of Windbreakers. Make your way to the zipline, and you’ll be able to collect all three Omni Chips in one go. The first Chip is near the base of the zipline. The second is near the middle of the zipline, and the third is at the top of the tower.

Fortnite Omni Chips Locations - Windbreakers

New Omni Sword quests release every week for eight weeks in total. For more related guides and content, check out our Fortnite section.

Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.