This week in Fortnite, players are tasked with finding a Crash Site location somewhere on the map. There are many different landmarks around the Fortnite map that need to be visited for various locations. Our guide will help you locate the Fortnite Crash Site location to complete this week’s challenge.
The Crash Site location is on the northwest of the map on the group of islands near The Shark. Check out this map to see the exact location:

South of The Shark you will find a group of six islands, and the island closest to Pleasant Park is where you can find the crash site. There is not much loot or any vehicle spawns in this location.

Visiting this location is part of completing the Meowscles’ Mischief Challenge, which asks players to visit a Crash Site, Coral Cove, and Stack Shack without swimming.
Published: Mar 19, 2020 04:51 pm