Where is Bunker Jonesy’s Conspiracy Board in Fortnite

The first week of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 7 is finally here, which means we have lots of new content to explore. New content, of course, includes tons of new weekly quests. Week one quests contain a five-step legendary quest from Bunker Jonesy that involves exploring what’s going on with these aliens. So, where is Bunker Jonesy’s Conspiracy Board in Fortnite? Let’s find out.

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Where is Bunker Jonesy’s Conspiracy Board in Fortnite

Bunker Jonesy’s Conspiracy Board is located in the wooden building southwest of Misty Meadows. You can find it on the second floor of Bunker Jonesy’s building, and it’s a corkboard with all of Jonesy’s evidence. All you have to do is walk over to it and hold down your interact key to complete the challenge.

Where is Bunker Jonesy's Conspiracy Board in Fortnite Map

Completing stage four of Bunker Jonesy’s legendary quest is fairly simple, and the only problem you might run into is other players trying to take you down. If you can avoid that, this is an easy one that you can complete in one match, and the back out to the lobby to proceed to the final stage.

After interacting with the Conspiracy Board, Bunker Jonesy will say, “Whoa. Good conspiracing. IO Weapons, aliens tech… what’s the bigger picture?” Next, it’s on to the final stage of the Bunkey Jonesy legendary quest. For more Fortnite content, be sure to check out our other guides.

Image of Frank Greenberg
Frank Greenberg
Frank is a real variety gamer. He enjoys battle royales, even though they are getting stale. Some of his favorite titles are Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Call of Duty.