Fire and Forget is the seasonal Linear Fusion Rifle added to the game during Season of the Seraph. Linears have been at the top of the Destiny 2 META for some time now, so hopes are high for this one – especially since it’s actually a three-round burst like Stormchaser.
That being said, I don’t think it’ll see all that much use. I’ll explain why when I break down my Fire and Forget god roll below. I’ll also be going over how to get your hands on the weapon, just in case you’re struggling with your drop rates.
Destiny 2 How to Get Fire and Forget

How you go about getting Fire and Forget in Destiny 2 is going to depend on whether or not you’ve unlocked Seraphic focusing at the Exo-frame. This is the third upgrade on the first upgrade tree, meaning you’ll be able to get access to it once you’ve completed weeks one and two of More Than a Weapon.
Once you do have that upgrade, you’ll be able to focus your Umbrals into Seraphic weapons, giving you a one-in-six chance of rolling Fire and Forget each time you focus one.
If you don’t have access to that focus, you’ll have to get Fire and Forget the old-fashioned way – through the seasonal activity. In this case, you’ll be grinding out Battleground Heists.
At the end of a Heist, a Seraph Chest will spawn. You can use 500 Seraph Key Codes to open this chest, and it’ll drop seasonal gear, giving you a fairly decent chance at a Fire and Forget drop. This is far less efficient than just focusing your Umbral Engrams, though.
Destiny 2 Fire and Forget God Roll

When you do have consistent access to Fire and Forget drops, this is the roll to keep an eye out for:
- Arrowhead Break.
- Liquid Coils.
- Field Prep.
- Chill Clip/Vorpal Weapon.
In all honesty, Fire and Forget isn’t all that great. Its column three perks are lackluster at best, but it does have a niche use that I think will result in it seeing a little bit of play.
Before that, I want to touch on Arrowhead Break and Liquid Coils a little bit. Arrowhead is easily the best barrel perk in the game, so you can run it on anything and it’ll work for you. It’s not all that important on a Linear, but it is what you’ll want to pick when you’re crafting your own Fire and Forget.
Liquid Coils is considerably more important if you’re planning on using this as a boss DPS weapon – which is the whole point of Linears right now. Liquid Coils slows down your charge time, but gives you more impact, resulting in more damage. You can trade Liquid Coils for Accelerated Coils if you want – that gives less impact but faster charge times. Either one of these will work.
On a Linear, you generally want an ammo-economy perk in your third column. Triple Tap is a classic go-to, but Fire and Forget doesn’t have access to perks like that. Field Prep is the next best thing, but this is the nail in the coffin for this weapon.
The last slot for this Fire and Forget god roll is interesting, though. You could go the traditional route and take Vorpal Weapon. It’s not Firing Line, but it is the next best thing and still great for damage. However, you’ll still be out-damaged by a Stormchaser. What I recommend, though, is Chill Clip.
Chill Clip causes the top half of Fire and Forget’s magazine to release a Stasis blast on hit. This causes targets to slow. This means you could theoretically stop bosses like the Warpriest from wandering around everywhere. I do think it’ll have singular niche uses in encounters like that, but that’s it.
Overall, though, Fire and Forget is a pretty disappointing Linear. Then again, it could end up being the best weapon in the game once people have experimented with it. Don’t hold your breath, though.
Related: Destiny 2 How to Get the Manticore Exotic Submachine Gun
Published: Dec 7, 2022 01:32 pm