The Eyasluna is an old-school Destiny favorite. It was introduced during The Taken King expansion in Destiny 1 and serves as a legendary version of the Exotic Hawkmoon hand cannon.
Eyasluna dominated the Crucible back in the day, but it’s been out of circulation for a while now. Not anymore, of course, thanks to Bungie’s 30th Anniversary pack.
The pack brought back a bunch of classic favorites like the 1000 Yard Stare and the Matador 64. Eyasluna is easily the best of the bunch in terms of usability, though.
I’m going to run you through how to get an Eyasluna for yourself in Destiny 2, how to farm for it, and what rolls you need to be looking for.
How to Get the Eyasluna in Destiny 2
There is only one loot source for the Eyasluna in all of Destiny 2, and that’s the final boss chest in the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.
That means you’ll actually have to buy the 30th Anniversary pack in order to get this weapon. All you F2P players have my condolences.
If you sold your soul to Bungie like me, you can farm this hand cannon pretty easily. Grasp of Avarice, like Prophecy before it, is farmable for repeat weapons.
In other words, if you already got an Eyasluna to drop, you can continue to farm the final boss for more drops with different rolls as many times as you want. You don’t have to wait for the weekly reset.
Eyasluna God Rolls in Destiny 2
Eyasluna PvE God Rolls
Vulpecula, but Better
- Fastdraw HCS.
- High-Caliber Rounds
- Outlaw.
- Headstone.

Your sight and ammo perks don’t matter too much with the Eyasluna provided you’re getting some Range out of them. Personally, I prefer to maximize Range with something like Accurized Rounds and use my sight perk to increase Handling. The same goes for the Masterwork; either Range or Handling is fine.
The first two perk columns are just for optimization, though. The real power with this roll is in the synergy between Outlaw and Headstone, and Headstone with your Stasis subclass.
The only other weapon in the game capable of rolling with Headstone as of the Dawning 2021 is Vulpecula. The Eyasluna is, in my opinion, an all-around better hand cannon, making it a Vulpecula replacement in my eyes.
For anyone living under a space rock these past few months, Headstone is a perk that produces a Stasis crystal on a precision kill. Doesn’t matter what enemy it is, and there isn’t any cooldown on it. I shouldn’t have to tell you why that’s so powerful given that Stasis crystal production powers a lot of Revenant, Shadbinder, and Behemoth builds.
The perk also synergizes perfectly with Outlaw, hence my decision to use it over something like Rangefinder. Producing a Stasis crystal and increasing your Reload Speed on every single precision kill makes this Eyasluna roll a dream to handle, especially for Stasis mains.
Ol’ Reliable
- Fastdraw HCS.
- High-Caliber Rounds.
- Outlaw.
- Kill Clip.

There’s literally only one difference between this roll and the other PvE Eyasluna god roll, and that’s substituting Headstone for Kill Clip. This single perk swap completely changes the way you’re going to be running this weapon. It makes this a viable PvP god roll, too.
If you’re not going to use Eyasulna with a Stasis subclass, this should be your go-to perk combination choice. It’s a tried and tested combo on hand cannons and has been for several seasons.
Kill Clip gives you a 33% damage buff for five seconds when you reload after a precision kill. As we’ve discussed, Outlaw increases your reload speed after a precision kill. I don’t think I need to explain why these two synergize so well both in and out of the Crucible.
Eyasluna PvP God Rolls
Maximum Range
- Truesight HCS.
- Ricochet Rounds.
- Rangefinder.
- Snapshot Sights.

Given that the Outlaw/Kill Clip roll can also be used for PvP, this is the only Crucible Eyasluna god roll I’ll be talking about. It’s also the only one you really need.
Compared to the other 140s in the meta right now, the Eyasluna falls a little bit behind in Range. It’s not a difference that will make any noticeable impact in PvP, but it is something you need to be aware of.
To make up for that, we’re going to be focusing on maxing out our Range stat as much as possible here. This means losing Outlaw for Rangefinder. As a consequence of that, I’m opting to sacrifice Kill Clip for Snapshot Sights as the damage bonus isn’t worth it without the increased Reload Speed.
This is a true PvP god roll. Our sight, ammo, and third column perk choices are all contributing towards that total 72 Range stat. Snapshot Sights is there to bring more fluidity to the weapon when you engage a dual. With Snapshot, you’re more likely to get the first shot off in a gunfight, and if you get the first shot off, you’re more likely to win that engagement.
You would have to be pretty foolish to run this roll outside of PvP, but inside it, it’s going to easily keep up with any Palindromes and Fatebringers.
Published: Dec 19, 2021 06:35 pm