Twizzly Gummy Cookie is a new free-to-play Cookie available in Cookie Run Kingdom. Seeing how this cookie is obtainable with little effort, many players wonder how they can get their hands on one to try it out. In this guide, we’ll show you all the methods you can use to unlock Twizzly Gummy Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom.
How to unlock Twizzly Gummy Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom
There are three ways to unlock Twizzly Gummy Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom:
- Featured and standard banner
- Reward-O-Matic Event
- Medal Shop
Featured and standard banner gacha
The first way to unlock Twizzly Gummy Cookie is through Cookie Run Kingdom’s featured and standard banner gacha system. You can click on the probabilities tab to see which cookies are available to pull on the banners.
For the Standard banner, we can see Twizzly Gummy Cookie has a 0.085% chance to show up. The Twizzly Gummy Cookie’s Soulstone is also available at a 0.482% chance. For the featured Mala Sauce Cookie banner, you have a 0.044% chance to see Twizzly Gummy Cookie and a 0.248% chance to see the Soulstone.

Reward-O-Matic Event
The next way to unlock Twizzly Gummy Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom is through the Reward-O-Matic Event. Cookie Run Kingdom introduces this particular event alongside Twizzly Gummy Cookie. Players can collect Electroids and spend them to win various rewards. It’s a good way to get several copies of Twizzly Gummy Cookie.
Every 20 Electroids you spend allows you to use the Reward-O-Matic machine once. You can get more Electroids by completing the Electrifying Electroid Hunt event and completing the tasks in that section. Spend the Electroids on the machines of your choice. Each machine has 15 different prizes, and the rewards you get are random.
To unlock different Reward-O-Matic machines, you need to unlock the Key Card prize. The Key Card allows access to a more “advanced version of the Reward-O-Matic.” There are ten machines in total, and some of them feature the Twizzly Gummy Cookie! Specifically, you’ll want to focus on Machine Version 3, 6, and 9, as those are the only machines that can reward you with the cookie, along with soulstones.

Medal Shop
The final way to unlock the new Twizzly Gummy Cookie is through the Medal Shop. Found in the Kingdom Arena, the Medal Shop guarantees the four of the first five slots will feature soulstones for cookies you own that are not at the maximum promotion level. So while Twizzly Gummy Cookie is only available via Gacha or the Event, you can pick up some soulstones from the Medal Shop. You have a better shot at finding Twizzly Gummy soulstones if a majority of your other cookies are already max promotion rank.

Please note that most of these methods available to unlock Twizzly Gummy Cookie are time-sensitive. If you are reading this article after a specific date, the Reward-O-Matic Event and Medal Shop may no longer exist, or they may function differently.
For more related content and guides, check out our website’s Cookie Run Kingdom section!
Published: Oct 11, 2021 06:46 pm