I’m going over what I consider to be the best Void Titan build for Destiny 2 Lightfall. This build has been crafted with high-end PvE content in mind – so if you’re looking for something casual, or a PvP build, this isn’t for you. For the rest of you end-game sweats, though, this build will help carry you through some of the game’s hardest content.
I’ll run you through the various different aspects of this Void Titan build, including its Fragments, Aspects, Mods, as well as an Exotic recommendation I have to replace Heart of Inmost Light, may it rest in peace.
Destiny 2 – Best Void Titan Build

- Controlled Demolition.
Controlled Demolition does two things. First, it’ll give you Volatile Rounds whenever you get a kill with a Void ability. That’s already powerful, but what we’re interested in is its second effect.
When you are near enemies and kill them with Volatile, you and your allies will get a burst of health. This is the first bit of kit that plays into this Void Titan build’s survivability – a theme that we’ll be continuing with the rest of the build.
- Bastion.
The Bastion Aspect will give you and your allies an Overshield when you pop your super. We don’t care about this – at all. Like Controlled Demolition, we’re interested in the second effect.
Casting your Barricade with Bastion will give you and your allies an Empowered Overshield. This Overshield regens while you’re behind your Barricade and grants it extended duration. This alone will help you survive otherwise deadly situations all the way up to Grandmaster.
It used to be a case where this synergized incredibly well with Heart of Inmost Light. It’s actually one of the key components of Esoterickk‘s solo Void Titan Grandmaster build. Since that Exotic got nerfed, though, it’s not as powerful – but it’s still worth using.
Lastly, you’ll be wanting to use Shield Throw. This will be your main survivability tool, so it’s not exactly optional – sorry.
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- Echo of Persistence.
This Void Titan build for Destiny 2 Lightfall is all about survivability – in particular with our Overshield. Echo of Persistence will make those Overshields last longer, so it’s a bit of a no-brainer.
There is an alternative take on this build that involves Echo of Cessation and plays into Devour, for which Echo of Persistence is also great if you would prefer to go that route.
- Echo of Leeching.
Echo of Leeching causes your melee final blows to start health regen. Your shield throw melee will already give you an overshield on hit, so the free health on top of it essentially makes your melee a “free heal” button.
This isn’t nearly as powerful as the kind of survivability Sunspots offer, but you do have the benefit of range with your shield – so you can grab your heals from a safe distance.
- Echo of Prevision.
This is the least important Fragment in this Void Titan build, so feel free to swap it out for whatever you feel like.
This build notably lakes a regen-engine, and Echo of Prevision attempts to make up for that somewhat. This will give you melee energy when you deal damage with your grenade, giving you another avenue to keep that all-important heal up.

In the past, Heart of Inmost Light was the go-to Exotic for this Void Titan build in Destiny 2. Since Lightfall, that’s no longer the case – and I’m honestly not too sure what should replace it.
HOIL gave this build some much-needed ability regeneration, and there are no other Exotics that offer up that kind of value.
All the same, what I’ve been experimenting with is Second Chance. These Exotic arms were introduced with Season of the Haunted, and they give you an extra shield charge and grant your shields Anti-Barrier.
This is the only Exotic I’ve been able to make work here, but feel free to switch it up if you think you’ve got a better idea.

Mod-wise, the new Lightfall system leaves a lot to be desired. We don’t have nearly the same level of customization as we used to – but there are three mods I want to draw your attention to:
- Melee Kickstart.
- Stacks on Stacks.
- Charged Up.
Both Charged Up and Stacks on Stacks assist with Armor Charge generation, giving you more charges for picking up Orbs and letting you store more total charges.
All of these charges are going straight into Melee Kickstart. This will refund you melee energy when you use it, and then consume your charges to grant additional melee energy.
I’m not certain if this works with Second Chance quite yet – I’ve been getting conflicting results. Do some testing for yourself and see what you think. If it’s not procing with your build, swap it out for Grenade Kickstart and keep everything the same.
That’s everything I’ve got on the best Void Titan build in Destiny 2. It’s a build that peaks at higher-level content, so if you’re only running Strikes – you might want to run something with more lethality. For more Destiny 2 build guides like this – Follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook. We’ll keep you up to date on Lightfall’s META.
Published: Mar 1, 2023 08:23 am