It’s never too late to find a great build for the new sub-class in Destiny 2. Where most builds would require you to have exotic armor and weapons from prior expansions, this build only requires you have things from Lightfall. Warlock is seen as the best all around class from time to time in Destiny 2. Most likely from the fact that it can do massive amounts of damage while providing a decent amount of healing and survivability. Using Strand increases the output of a Warlocks damage, and this build will take advantage of sub-class fragments, as well as a new exotic weapon. We are going to be swinging in and taking a look at the best Strand Warlock build for Destiny 2 Lightfall.
Best Strand Warlock Build for Destiny 2 Lightfall

You’ll need to make sure you complete the Lightfall campaign in order to unlock the ability to use Strand. For this build, we’re going to take a look at specific fragments, as well as which abilities to use in order to take full advantage of this build.
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As a brief summary, this build will allow the player to continue to do tons of damage over time by defeating a few enemies and having your Strand take care of the rest. Here is the best Strand Warlock build for Destiny 2 Lightfall:
- Sub-Class: Strand
- Super Ability: NeedleStorm
- Class Ability: Healing Rift
- Movement Ability: Burst Glide
- Melee: Arcane Needle
- Grenade: Threadling Grenade
- Strand Aspects: Weaver’s Call, Mindspun Invocation
- Strand Fragments: Thread of Finality, Thread of Warding, Thread of Fury
- Exotic Weapon: Quicksilver Storm
- Exotic Armor: Swarmers
If you went ahead and pre-ordered Lightfall, then the Quicksilver Storm will help tremendously with this build. By using the weapon and unlocking it’s catalyst, it will turn the weapon into a Strand weapon. Using this in tandem with all the abilities from your Strand sub-class and your exotic armor, will allow threadlings to spawn almost infinitely. The enemies will be at the mercy of your little friends and even in PvP, will be too busy dealing with the threadlings. Providing a perfect opportunity for you to take them out.
Best Strand Warlock Build for Destiny 2 Lightfall Explained
When using this build, there’s not a lot for players to think about besides focusing on the green balls that spawn from defeated enemies. As mentioned above, by using the Quicksilver Storm and its catalyst, defeating enemies with it will create Tangles. You can pick up these tangles and throw them at enemies, spawning even more Tangles as well as creating unraveled projectiles. These will seek out any and all enemies and deal constant damage until they are defeated. And once they are defeated with the unraveled projectiles, more Tangles and more projectiles will spawn. This will create a whirlwind of Strand around you, making you feel invincible as you see green lights flashing all around you.
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Published: Mar 3, 2023 10:11 am