Everyone loves an old-fashioned sugar cookie, especially ones covered in festive, seasonal designs. Cookies are a great medium of art, who knew? Well, Cookie Run Kingdom’s Snow Sugar Cookie definitely knew, which is why they’re great at making it snow for both fun and profit. Here are the best Snow Sugar Cookie Toppings builds in Cookie Run Kingdom.
Best Snow Sugar Cookie Toppings Build in Cookie Run Kingdom
Snow Sugar Cookie is a middle-priority Magic-type character. With their magic wand, Snow Sugar summons forth icy attacks and flurries of snow to bury and otherwise hamper their foes. Their personal skill is Blizzard, though rather than a literal blizzard, it summons something better: the Snow King. When the Snow King appears, a snowstorm follows, dealing area damage-over-time to enemies. Additionally, while the skill is active, both Snow Sugar and the Snow King are resistant to interruption and forced movement.
Related: Best Toppings for Frost Queen Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom
Here are the specifics of Blizzard:
- 20 second base Cooldown
- Snow King: 26.0% ATK (+0.35% ATK per level), 125.0% of DEF, 150.0% of HP
- ATK SPD Reduction: -25% within the snowstorm range
- Snow King and Snow Sugar are resistant to interruption, knockback, flying, and pulling
Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Snow Sugar is at their best when standing side-by-side with the Snow King, which means you want that big lug out on the field as much as possible. To that end, the best choice for Snow Sugar’s Toppings is a full set of Swift Chocolate.
Swift Chocolate provides a cooldown reduction when equipped to cookies, with a full set of five providing a +5% cooldown bonus. Shorter cooldowns mean you can call back the Snow King more frequently, regularly pelting enemies with AoE damage and slowdown.
If you don’t have a full set of Swift Chocolate available, you can sub in a couple of Searing Raspberries to round things out. A little extra attack boost will help, though you should still endeavor to fill as many slots with Swift Chocolate as you can manage.
With the right Toppings, Snow Sugar Cookie can be your one-stop shop for both heavy damage and severe debuffs. You wouldn’t think such a cute cookie could bring about such a blizzard of pain!
Published: Oct 10, 2022 10:31 am