I am so excited for The Sims 4 Growing Together Expansion! The reason for my excitement is because I have been a Simmer since the very first game released. Of course when it came out I was young and wasn’t allowed to play it due to Sims WooHooing in a hot tub, but that didn’t stop me. I played it and now that we have reached The Sims 4 we have been introduced to new ways to interact with our loved ones. I am one of those Simmers who uses mods for just about everything and since the new update will be releasing soon I thought it would be best to talk about my favorite expansions. Here are the best mods to pair with Sims 4 Growing Together Expansion.
Growing Together Expansion Sims 4
The Sims 4 announced that on March 16th they’d be releasing a Growing Together Expansion that finally focuses on mid life crisis’s, self discovery, social dynamics, and much more. I’m excited to finally have my grandparents interact with children in a way that makes sense. You can power walk with your elder or set up family dynamics so you can determine if your Sims have different personalities that would cause arguments.
The new update is focusing on new borns and you’re given plenty of furniture pieces that new borns can use. Before, newborns were just objects that didn’t serve any purpose. That didn’t make sense to me since in older games you could interact with your newborn a lot more by taking them out on walks. Now that the game is finally stepping in the right direction here are some mods you should look into to boost your gameplay experience on The Sims 4.
1. The Mood Pack by Lumpinou

Lumpinou is a modder who has been part of the Sim community for some time now. I use her mods for just about anything. The one mod I use that I think would go well with the upcoming expansion would have to be her mood pack. This gives your Sims new moodlets so when they interact they can get new buffs. Some of those mood packs involve feeling nostalgic, optimistic, or protective. Imagine pairing your Sim with this mod and adjusting the family dynamics? Story telling is about to become chaotic if two Sims don’t get along.
2. Baby Steamer & Toddler Food by Around the Sims 4

This modder focuses on making accessible baby food for your toddlers. The reason I think this is a great mod is because babies and toddlers need to eat. I’m certain that this modder will update their mod so you can feed your baby food instead of just your toddler. It’s incredibly handy because you don’t have to force your child to sit in those God awful high chairs. You can grab a snack from anywhere and feed your child without worrying if they’re going to starve.
3. Better Babies & Toddlers Caradriel

This mod is always part of our Sims experience because it gives you buffs and moodlets that focus on babies and toddlers. You can talk to your baby, talk to other Sims and get advice on parenting skills, or discuss with your partner how they feel about gaining baby weight. All of the different conversation starters you can have while playing the game just feels right. I just know this mod will pair up nicely with the new expansion.
4. Any Pacifier Custom Content

Custom content is not going to be ignored on this article because what modders do when creating custom content is important. I never thought about my baby owning a pacifier until modders created one for us. Any modder you see that has pacifiers should be added in your game. If we’re getting updates on babies you can guarantee they will cry and talk a lot of nonsense. Sometimes I don’t want to hear my baby scream and I just want them to go to sleep. Do yourself a favor and get a pacifier for your Sim baby.
5. Baby Shower Mod Brittpinkiesims

Humans host baby showers all the time and gender reveal parties. Why wasn’t this included in Sims? This is a simple mod created for the sole purpose of throwing a party for an upcoming baby. You can throw a baby shower for your Sim family and they can invite their friends over. This is a goal oriented event where you can talk to other Sims and ask “when is the baby’s due date” or you can take photos of the event. I highly doubt baby showers will be added during the new expansion so adding this mod should be at the top of your list.
The Sims 4 expansion Growing Together will be released March 16th. If you want to pre-order to pack, you can do so now. If you pre-order you will gain access to new outdoor playtime items such as the Prime of Childhood Swing Set, Lil’ Whalebert Toddler Slide, and Power Walk Companion Child Carrier.
If you’re looking for more tips and tricks you can use while playing The sims 4 please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You may also want to check out Where is the Hospital in The Sims 4? or Sims 4 Toddler Cheats – Age Up and Max Out Their Skills
Published: Mar 8, 2023 12:02 pm