How did we get here? How did we get to this point where players are creating sex mods for a seemingly harmless game focused on Hogwarts Legacy? Is it because some of the characters appear desirable? Are players missing the dating portion of the game since the creators of Hogwarts Legacy failed to give us dating options? However we got here, we’re here, and we scoured the internet to try to find some of the best sex mods to use as you’re playing Hogwarts Legacy. Buckle up, because this list, is going to scar you. Here are the best Hogwarts Legacy sex mods.
Top Hogwarts Legacy Sex Mods
You’ve probably seen one too many TikTok’s focused on creators making Sebastian edits. We’re not going to sit here all innocent. We enjoy those videos because they open up a crucial discussion. Why was dating not added to Hogwarts Legacy? It was such a missed opportunity to not be able to date some of your classmates. Imagine being able to take them to Hogsmeade Village or have a chance to give them gifts. If you feel as if your game is a little too tame and you want to find some sex mods, here are some options you can choose.
1. Spicy Garlick

Mirabel Garlick is one of the professors in Hogwarts Legacy who teaches Herbology. The moment we saw her we knew she was going to have fans. Modders have decided to fix her wardrobe by giving her something revealing to flaunt around the class. Think of characters such as Poison Ivy and how she would dress. If you want to see Mirabel Garlick in a not-so-appropriate outfit you might want to check out this mod.
2. Nude Male
If you want your male character to be completely undressed you’re going to want to check out this mod. All you need to do is wear the swimsuit set and you can have your character run around nude. When we say nude, we mean it. You will be able to see it all. There are different variations of the mod and if you don’t want your character completely nude you can always give him a shirtless appearance.
3. BBL Riding Attire
Is your character lacking in certain areas? Do you want to give them a BBL? Thankfully, there’s a mod for that. Now, when you’re riding a beast your butt can have some cushion. With this mod, your character has an altered appearance on the bottom region. Their riding attire is converted to make it appear as if they have a BBL. Give it a try if you want your character to be the talk of the town. We guarantee you’ll look better than any celebrity.
4. Yennefer Outfit

Do you all remember The Witcher? It’s a popular video game and has been made into a series on Netflix. It’s a silly question because of how popular The Witcher is in the gaming universe. Tons of players have fallen in love with the character Yennefer, and now, you can have her clothes added to the game. In this mod, you can wear her iconic outfit that overrides the Dark Arts Set for Females. All types of players will fall in love with you after they see you battle dark wizards wearing this outfit.
5. Pubic Hair Textures
Yes, you read that correctly. In this mod, you are given a skin where you appear completely naked with pubic hair. There are different variations of the mod so if you wanted your female character to have different designs, there’s that option. The mod also gives them a bustier appearance and shapes your character to look like an adult. Other than giving your character pubic hair, there really isn’t much you can do with this mod.
If you’re looking for more updates on Hogwarts Legacy please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You may also want to check out All Things Players Dislike About Hogwarts Legacy or Hogwarts Legacy: The Best NPCs in the Game
Published: Aug 31, 2023 07:04 pm