Back in olden times, soldiers coated their arrows in all sorts of bizarre substances, from illness-spreading poisons to flammable oils. You probably wouldn’t think much about an arrow covered in caramel, but that’s what drops your guard against the dead eye of Cookie Run: Kingdom’s Caramel Arrow Cookie. Here’s a guide to the best toppings build for Caramel Arrow Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Best Caramel Arrow Cookie Toppings Build in Cookie Run Kingdom
Caramel Arrow Cookie is a front-priority Ranged-type character, in case her giant bow didn’t tip you off. Her personal skill is Arrow of Resolution, and it’s a doozy: she fires off a Cookie-prioritizing ranged attack, marking anyone it hits. Caramel Arrow then rushes toward the marked enemies, and any enemy that’s hit by the ensuing attack is dealt damage proportional to their max HP. As an added bonus, Caramel Arrow also gets immunity to debuffs and resistance to interruption while performing this skill.
Related: Cherry Blossom Cookie Topping Build in Cookie Run Kingdom
Here are the specifics of Arrow of Resolution:
- 10 second base Cooldown
- Ranged attack: 8.0 sec
- Single hit DMG: 88.3% (+1.2% DMG per level)
- Arrow Mark: 12 second duration, stacks up to max 12 times
- DMG relative to Max HP (Cookies): 22.1% (+0.3% DMG per level)
- DMG relative to Max HP (Others): 2.2% (+0.03% DMG per level)
- Immunity for 8.0 sec
A Maiden with a Mission

Considering both Caramel Arrow’s emphasis on damage output and her slightly-more vulnerable positioning, her ideal toppings would be Searing Raspberry and Solid Almond.
Searing Raspberry boosts a Cookie’s base attack stat, with a +5% bonus for a full set of five of them equipped. This one’s a no-brainer; Arrow of Resolution is already a brutal attack, so some extra flat damage on top of the damage Caramel Arrow is already dealing is an absolute good.
On the flip side, Solid Almond boosts a Cookie’s damage resistance stat. Being on the front line can expose Caramel Arrow to a bit more danger than you may like for a Ranged unit. Extra damage resistance will keep her from getting in over her head.
If you want to go for a mixed bag, definitely prioritize the Searing Raspberry for the biggest attack boost you can manage, then fill the rest of the kit with Solid Almonds to give Caramel Arrow some extra staying power.
Caramel Arrow Cookie is an absolute monster when she’s in top form, decimating foes with a rain of arrows. And I thought having desserts flying at my face would be pleasant.
Published: Oct 5, 2022 12:41 pm