Barotrauma is a complex horror adventure that puts many challenges of the deep ocean before you. In addition to dealing with some very nasty creatures and enemy submarines, sometimes you will have to deal with, your own disobedient crew, a traitor, or even enemy soldiers inside your submarine.
The best way to deal with insubordinate people quickly without killing them is to handcuff them. Naturally, the person you are trying to apprehend won’t want to go down peacefully so you will have to restrain them efficiently and swiftly. Read on to find out how to handcuff people in Barotrauma.
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Handcuffing People in Barotrauma Explained

There are a couple of steps when you need to handcuff people in Barotrauma. First of all, you need to catch them, and knowing what the submarine landscape looks like, this can often be more difficult than it might sound.
When you catch up to the person you want to handcuff, knock them unconscious. You can do this by either hitting them with a Stun Baton or shooting them with a Stun Gun or a Syringe Gun loaded with Chloral Hydrate.
The next thing you want to do is grab them by pressing the “G” key. Once you do that you will gain the access to their inventory at the bottom part of the screen. Take Handcuffs from your inventory and drop them into theirs, and swiftly press the “Equip” button that pops up. Doing this will handcuff the person immediately.
Extra tip: Be careful that you don’t do the above-described procedure in your own inventory, as you can handcuff yourself. In that case, you will need someone to help you out and uncuff you.
How Can You Get Handcuffs?
Handcuffs can be acquired either by purchase or by crafting. You can buy them at Habitation Outpost, Military Outpost, and at Armory Merchant for around 30 mk. If you wish to craft them, you will need to go to the Fabricator machine and use 1x Steel bar.
We hope our guide has been helpful to you. For more Barotrauma content see our articles discussing how to get and take care of pets and how to get genetic materials. Follow Gamer Journalist on Facebook and get more exciting gaming news every day in your news feed.
Published: Mar 22, 2023 04:48 am