While Pokemon’s overall setting has always been a bit anachronistic, there are certain modern concepts that make regular appearances throughout the games. Transportation, for instance, is up to modern standards for the most part, with things like trains and cars being a common sight in landlocked regions. However, what about the Paldea region? Are there cars in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
Are There Cars in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
While there are some incidental trucks and vehicles that can be seen throughout Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the majority of the region’s transportation infrastructure seems to be based around Cyclizar, a lizard-like Pokemon with the ability to transform into a motorcycle-like vehicle.
Related: All New Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Additionally, you, the player, have access to a souped-up vehicle Pokemon of your own: the mascot legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon. Koraidon doesn’t roll like a motorcycle, but can still be ridden like one, while Miraidon features wheels and engines. Both Pokemon also have the ability to glide long distances.
The 2022 Paldea Cyclizar

Besides the motorcycle-like Pokemon, there do seem to be other vehicle-like Pokemon. Specifically, the large truck ridden around on by Team Star’s Mela appears to actually be a Pokemon, or at least there’s a Pokemon serving as its engine. The engine pistons have both a distinctive mouth and a single eyeball. This potential Pokemon’s name, as well as whether or not you can catch it yourself, is not known at the time of writing.
So, if your question is “can I drive a car in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet,” the answer is probably not. But who needs a plain ol’ car when you can cruise the hills on a dragon motorcycle?
Published: Oct 7, 2022 11:19 am