Arcane Odyssey is a complex Roblox MMO RPG, with unique features and mechanics for players to learn. If you want to get far in Arcane Odyssey, then you’ll have to really learn these systems, to help you in combat, but also generally playing the game. All new players will want to take these tips into consideration to avoid confusion and mistakes. Here are our top tips for Arcane Odyssey.
Can you change magic in Arcane Odyssey?
In Arcane Odyssey, all players begin with a magic of their choice. They are given descriptions of what each magic does, but not any details such as stats or names. This can lead to players regretting their choice of magic, but thankfully you can do something about that.
By getting your two other awakenings, you can have access to two other spell types that can seriously compliment the magic type that you regret. As you get better in magic, you’ll unlock moves that may make you feel better about the magic that you chose. There is, however, no way to ‘forget’ or swap magics that you have learned. You will simply have to start a new save if you seriously regret your choices.
Related: How to Get Pulsar Arcane in Roblox Arcane Odyssey
Becoming a Conjurer, and other Classes
In Arcane Odyssey, as you fight enemies and complete quests you’ll earn experience points. Gather enough, and you’ll level up. As you level up you gain skill points that you can spec into, such as vitality, magic, strength and weapons. The latter three skills directly influence your capabilities with either magical attacks, fighting styles, and melee weapons, respectively.

As you spec into these skills, you will receive classes. For example, someone who specs into magic heavily will be a mage of increasing skill, but someone who specs into magic and weapons will become a conjurer. These skills provide a great description of your build by describing exactly what it consists of. The names themselves don’t provide anything, but the way you build your character does. Be careful with what skills you buy into.
Practice Combat
Arcane Odyssey provides dodge, block and parry features. Most players may ignore these mechanics and simply dodge around and throw fists or magic blasts around. However, it would benefit you greatly to practice and learn these skills, even if you get defeated in the process. Mastering blocks and parries will enable easier boss fights later down the line, and will give you an edge over the vast majority of players.
Join a Clan
Clans are player-made organizations that allow players to be a part of a team and earn infamy and galleons. If you’re bored, or want to take part in lucrative quests, then joining a clan is for you. If the prospect of such a commitment scares you off, then don’t worry, as the Grand Navy and Assassin’s Syndicate are clans that players can join that aren’t led by players, so you can work with them at your own pace.
We hope you enjoyed our Arcane Odyssey guide. You can head on over to our Facebook page to keep up with the latest of video game content. You may also be interested in our other Arcane Odyssey content, such as how to get the pulsar cane, or how to use treasure charts.
Published: Mar 6, 2023 10:33 am