Any dollar-store thug can tie a rock to a stick and call it a homemade axe, but in a fantasy setting like Arcane Odyssey, only weapons that have unique names and histories can truly deserve to be called “rare.” Since you can’t make them yourself, you’ll just have to take them from their owners. Here are all the rare weapons in Roblox Arcane Odyssey and how to unlock them.
Arcane Odyssey – All Rare Weapons and How to Unlock Them
In Arcane Odyssey, your weapons are classified into a handful of different rarities based on their overall stats and how hard they are to come by. Naturally, some of the very best weapons in the game are classified as “rare” rarity. It’s not redundant, shush.
Related: How to Clear a Bounty in Roblox Arcane Odyssey
These weapons cannot be purchased or created by your own hands. All of them, through one means or another, are obtained by chance, whether it be as drops from powerful enemies or as rare acquisitions from chests or fishing.
The full list of rare weapons includes the following:
- Poison Tooth Dagger: A dagger that applies a poisonous damage-over-time effect on hit
- Scimitars of the Storm: Dual scimitars that can launch windy slash projectiles
- Stormcaller: A bow that can launch a massive rain of arrows from above
- Noble Thunderspear: A spear that can be thrown or used in a powerful stab
- Sunken Sword: A sword that produces flying, watery slashes
- Vindicator: A great hammer that can pound the ground to send enemies flying
- Triasta of Bronze: A trident that lets the user move at blinding speeds
Rare Weapon Locations

Here’s how to obtain each of the weapons listed above:
- Poison Tooth Dagger: 25% chance of dropping when you defeat a Poison Jaws Sea Monster
- Scimitars of the Storm: 20% chance of dropping when you defeat the story boss, Lord Elius
- Stormcaller: 20% chance of dropping when you defeat the story boss, Lord Elius
- Noble Thunderspear: 20% chance of dropping when you defeat the story boss, Lord Elius
- Sunken Sword: 1 in 2,000 chance of dropping when fishing. If you catch 3,000 fish without getting a Sunken Sword, your next attempt is guaranteed to yield one.
- Vindicator: Randomly spawns in Sealed Chests and Lost Cargo
- Triasta of Bronze: 20% chance of dropping when you defeat the story boss, King Calvus IV
As I said, we’re mostly dealing in probabilities here, though all things considered, those drop rates aren’t horrible. With any luck, you’ll only have to defeat the bosses/go fishing/open chests a few times before you get all the rare weapons you could want.
For more profit opportunities in Roblox Arcane Odyssey, check out our guides on forming clans and claiming islands and using Treasure Charts. Visit our Facebook page as well for more news and guides.
Published: Mar 3, 2023 11:07 am